Solutions and best practice examples

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BULGARIA: Effects of COVID-19 on PropTech companies

Submitted by Audry Maulana on 23 April 2020.

The PropTech Bulgaria report on the effect of the pandemic has revealed that 38.5% of Bulgarian property technology (PropTech) companies have not encountered any decrease in demand for their services. For a part of these companies the corona crisis has even influenced the demand favourably. They are experiencing a considerable increase for services due to a number of decisive advantages, namely...

SPAIN: GPS geolocation against COVID-19

Submitted by Carolina Turcato on 22 April 2020.

In Spain, the telematic engineering department of the University Carlos III de Madrid ( UC3M) and the Big Data institute UC3M-Santander are designing a tool that would use high resolution mobility patterns based in GPS geolocation. These mobility patterns will facilitate the development of selective confinements, which have proven to be effective in countries such as South Korea and would also...

SWEDEN: 3D printed visors to secure healthcare system

Submitted by Carolina Turcato on 22 April 2020.

Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, Swedish healthcare is falling shorter in protective equipment by the day. After expressing the urgent need to replenish their supplies, more and more companies and cluster organisations are offering support, such as the Paper Province. With co-funding from the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, Region Värmland and Region Dalarn, Paper Province went...

Matching demand and supply through #UnitedAgainstCovid

Submitted by Carolina Turcato on 22 April 2020.

Bring Global, one of the leading knowledge companies specialized in business and technology solutions, has just created a marketplace callled #UnitedAgainstCovid in order to suppport the matching of needs and supplies in the health sector during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The tool should support entities and health professionals and enables suppliers to contribute materials that will support...

UK: Tools for business support

Submitted by Carolina Turcato on 22 April 2020.

A new ‘ support finder’ tool launched by the UK Government will help businesses and self-employed people across the UK to quickly and easily determine what financial support is available to them during the coronavirus pandemic. The finder tool asks business owners to fill out a simple online questionnaire, and then directs them to a list of all the financial support they may be eligible for. To...

OECD: Protecting privacy and data during the Coronacrisis

Submitted by Carolina Turcato on 22 April 2020.

A recent communication from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD) dedicated to the " Tracking and tracing of COVID: Protecting privacy and data while using apps and biometrics" was recently published. It highlights the following topics: Digital technologies, in particular mobile and biometric applications, are being adopted in innovative ways to improve the...


Submitted by Carolina Turcato on 22 April 2020.

Amidst the disrupting circumstances resulting from the global COVID-19 pandemic, the study COVID-19 in the Mediterranean and Africa: Diagnosis, Policy Responses, Preliminary Assessment and Way Forward provides an analysis of the contagion between February and April 2020 in the Mediterranean and Africa. It assesses the level of preparedness of national healthcare systems and examines the policy...

ROMANIA: Support for SMEs during state of emergency

Submitted by Audry Maulana on 21 April 2020.

In order to safeguard Romanian SMEs during the application of the measures imposed by the state of emergency, in the fight against COVID-19, over 40,000 SMEs in Romania are expected to enroll in the Governmental Programme IMM INVEST ROMANIA. Potential beneficiaries will be able to provide liquidity for the current activity or for investments, by accessing guaranteed financing. The programme has...

LITHUANIA: Enterprises in the fight against COVID-19

Submitted by Audry Maulana on 21 April 2020.

In just a week, 176 Lithuanian companies have registered on the Lithuanian Entrepreneurship and Export Development Agency’s (“Enterprise Lithuania”) dedicated COVID-19 website and provided information on their capabilities to produce and supply the necessary tools to combat the COVID-19 virus. The coordinated single-window system “Business vs. COVID-19: Supply Opportunities and Support” is...

Building Cities' Resilience: Mobilising the Local Ecosystems

Submitted by Audry Maulana on 21 April 2020.

The European Commission hosted a webinar on "Building cities' resilience: mobilising the local economy" on Wednesday, 15 April 2020. During this Webinar, the Commission provided an overview of the latest responses to the COVID-19 crisis. Two representatives of the cities of Amsterdam and Barcelona also offered insights about present effective city-led interventions. Furthermore, the participants...