LITHUANIA: Enterprises in the fight against COVID-19
In just a week, 176 Lithuanian companies have registered on the Lithuanian Entrepreneurship and Export Development Agency’s (“Enterprise Lithuania”) dedicated COVID-19 website and provided information on their capabilities to produce and supply the necessary tools to combat the COVID-19 virus.
The coordinated single-window system “Business vs. COVID-19: Supply Opportunities and Support” is actively used both by companies that are submitting their offers and by public institutions that are planning public procurement, as well as by the medical institutions, which need to purchase the necessary equipment, also pharmacies and retail chains. “Enterprise Lithuania” provides all parties with what is most needed in current situation – the opportunity to promptly receive information, make decisions and act.
Sewing companies are among the first to discover a new niche of activity. Both individual activity-based small tailor shops and well-known names such as AB “Audimas”, AB “Utenos trikotažas”, AB “Pakaita” or AB “Kauno Baltija” decided to sew masks, disposable overalls, shoe covers, robes, caps and the other protective equipment for medics. More and more companies in the cosmetics industry are involved in the production of disinfectants, for example, companies such as UAB “Cosmoway”, UAB “Dermofaktorius”, which owns the “Manilla” brand. In addition, there are engineering and advertising companies which have 3D printers and are adapting them to the production of protective face shields. State Enterprise “Nacionalinis kraujo centras” was searching for a supplier of protective face shields and using the database of the webiste, they managed to find a company MB “Impressio digiti” which produced and delivered 250 units of shields on the same day. Companies that adapt their competencies and available technologies for the production of new goods have also been joined by telematics company UAB “Teltonika”, which is currently developing a prototype of artificial lung ventilation apparatus.
The credit bureau “Creditinfo” carries out the assessment of the reliability of all the listed suppliers and manufacturers, ensuring that the companies will fulfil their obligations. There are more and more companies that are ready to help and donate some of the necessary tools to doctors – all of their support is directed to the COVID-19 Mitigation Fund established by the Ministry of Finance.
For more information, please visit the COVID-19 website or Entrepreneurship and Export Development Agency’s “Enterprise Lithuania” homepage.
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