Solutions and best practice examples

Get inspired by COVID-19 response actions from European SMEs, clusters and institutions
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The role of social economy & civil society in the fight against COVID-19

Submitted by Carolina Turcato on 09 April 2020.

Social economy and civil society are key actors when it comes to quick and local responses to crises like that inflicted by the COVID-19 outbreak. These responses often come in the shape of ad-hoc solutions and social innovations, building on the foundations of their everyday activities: Local social services of aid and support: food-banks, mobilizing volunteers, setting up platforms (offline and...

Matchmaking for 3D printing: 3DP PAN EU

Submitted by Carolina Turcato on 09 April 2020.

3DP PAN EU is an EU-wide web-based matchmaking tool connecting supply and demand in the field of 3D printing. The platform was originally designed to map 3DP test and demonstration facilities in the EU. Now, in the face of the corona virus crisis, it also allows matchmaking between 3DP production facilities and companies/organisations in need. While many of those initiatives meanwhlie exist on the...

Protection against COVID-19 cyber threats from the Basque Cybersecurity Center

Submitted by Carolina Turcato on 09 April 2020.

In recent weeks, the number of cyber threats that use Covid-19 as a pretext has increased significantly. It is essential to remain vigilant and adopt good practices to prevent exposure to these threats. This is why the Basque Cybersecurity Center (BCSC), the reference center for cybersecurity in the Basque region, has published a series of tips and good practices to deal with this situation...

Catalonia: Channeling offers through an online platform

Submitted by Carolina Turcato on 09 April 2020.

The regional government of Catalonia, Spain, has deployed an online platform to channel all offers of collaboration from companies, individuals and other entities. Whenever services, materials or (medical) products are getting scarce, the government can quickly reach out to the registered contacts who can provide the needed goods or services. There are four different categories to channel the...

Progress in Pan-European cooperation: Spanish Ministry adopts French regulations for the production of masks

Submitted by Rita Andrade on 09 April 2020.

Following the French government's new regulations enabling two new categories of masks intended for non-sanitary use, the Spanish Ministry of Industry has published an official regulation enabling the French standards in Spain. This decision does not only constitute a great example of European cooperation and solidarity but also allows Spanish companies to immediately start their work in producing...

French Webinar on How to mobilise the new sources of funding

Submitted by Carolina Turcato on 08 April 2020.

France Cluster, a network of almost 150 French cluster organisations, is organising a webinar on "How to mobilise the new sources of funding" in face of the COVID-19 response initiative from the European Commission and French authorities. The webinar will be held in French and will take place on Friday, the 10th April 2020 at 8.30h CET. Further information and registration can be found under this...

IMAGO-MOL Cluster solidarity campaign

Submitted by Rita Andrade on 08 April 2020.

The IMAGO-MOL Cluster, the only medical imaging cluster in Romania and the European Union, has launched a solidarity campaign to help its member hospitals, overwhelmed by the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic: Emergency County Hospital „Sf. Spiridon" Iasi, Regional Institute of Oncology Iasi, Emergency Clinical Hospital "Prof. Dr. N. Oblu" Iasi, Pneumophtisiology Clinical Hospital Iasi...

Unsung heroes: private initiatives to combat the virus

Submitted by Carolina Turcato on 07 April 2020.

Solidartiy and support in the Coronacrisis does not only come from companies and public authorities. Also individuals can make a change like Gregory Michel. The consultant for the IT unit at DG AGRI of the European Commission and his team recently decided to make protective visors from 3D printers. Using social media channels (Facebook) the team advertised their offers to the medical community and...

ESPON is looking for experiences and evidence on local and regional responses to COVID-19

Submitted by Carolina Turcato on 07 April 2020.

The European Spatial Planning Observation Network (ESPON) is looking to pool and share local experiences and territorial policy responses of all European regions. The objective is to create a data base of best practices and local/regional initiatives adapting public services - anything that could help to monitor the territorial impact of the crisis and design better responses for the future. Some...

Corona Update for Cluster Management Organisations in Germany

Submitted by Lucia Seel on 06 April 2020.

"Together against Corona" is also the spirit of the German cluster community. On the portal of the Clusterplattform Deutschland a new section has been recently created to showcase Best Practices of the cluster organisations members of the "go-cluster" programme. On one hand it is important to share information and experiences on how they support the challenges raised by the COVID-19 pandemic...