SWEDEN: 3D printed visors to secure healthcare system
Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, Swedish healthcare is falling shorter in protective equipment by the day. After expressing the urgent need to replenish their supplies, more and more companies and cluster organisations are offering support, such as the Paper Province.
With co-funding from the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, Region Värmland and Region Dalarn, Paper Province went into cooperation with The Wood Region which were also keen to use 3D printing as a possible solution to the current health crisis.
Based in Sysslebäck, Sweden, the Wood Region usually manufactures a variety of products through additive manufacturing, also called 3D printing, with bio composite. It is a bio-based material made from wood shavings and corn-starch. Now, the production unit and test bed are dedicated to 3D printing parts for facial visors needed by health care personnel. Two printers are meanwhile printing more that 100 pieces a week. At the same time, Paper Province is doing their part by collecting transparent plastic film, that is needed to produce the visors. The parts are sent to a local workshop where the visors get assembled and distributed to healthcare institutions.
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