OECD: Protecting privacy and data during the Coronacrisis
A recent communication from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) dedicated to the "Tracking and tracing of COVID: Protecting privacy and data while using apps and biometrics" was recently published. It highlights the following topics:
- Digital technologies, in particular mobile and biometric applications, are being adopted in innovative ways to improve the effectiveness of government front-line responses to COVID-19.
- Disclosures of personal information can allow the public to better identify potential COVID-19 infections and track the spread over time. However, current digital solutions for monitoring and containment have varying implications for privacy and data protection.
- Fully transparent and accountable privacy-preserving solutions should be embedded by design to balance the benefits and the risks associated with personal data collection, process and sharing. Data should be retained only for so long as is necessary to serve the specific purpose for which it was collected.
Browse further OECD contributions on on this webpage and read the full communication here. To discuss this topic in the COVID-19 Forum, please follow this link.