

Clusters in the Circular Economy

"At least 250 green clusters in Europe are daily pushing the green transition forward. Helping companies to access the newest knowledge, testing new green business ideas and developing new green innovations. All of this accelerating, changing and supporting European businesses to be more focused on...

Call for Proposals: Boosting sustainable tourism development and capacity of tourism SMEs through transnational cooperation and knowledge transfer

COS-TOURCOOP-2019-3-01 GRO/SME/19/C/077 Deadline: 24/10/2019 at 17:00 h Brussels time In line with the priorities of the European Commission, the actions proposed under COSME 2019 work programme aim at strengthening the competitiveness and sustainability of the tourism sector and at increasing its...

Mainstreaming Gender in Cluster Development

Acknowledging the importance of gender equality and the empowerment of women to the vision of the 2030 Agenda for achieving inclusive and sustainable growth around the world, UNIDO strives to systematically adopt a gender perspective throughout the planning and implementation phases of its...

EU Industry Days 2019 - calls for expression of interest are open!

The 2019 EU Industry Days will take place on 5-6 February 2019 in Brussels (The Egg Congress & Meeting Centre). The EU Industry Days were established in the spirit of co-creation, dialogue and cooperation with all relevant stakeholders. The programme will be once more co-created by the European...

The Network for Business Sustainability (INSME Member from Canada) recently published the Results of a Survey on "Business Challenges for Sustainability"

In March 2016, the Network for Business Sustainability - NBS ( INSME Member) released its annual report on "Business Challenges for Sustainability" based on the feedback received from Canadian leaders who identified and ranked the top sustainability challenges faced by Canadian businesses. Following...