Call for Proposals: Boosting sustainable tourism development and capacity of tourism SMEs through transnational cooperation and knowledge transfer
COS-TOURCOOP-2019-3-01 GRO/SME/19/C/077
Deadline: 24/10/2019 at 17:00 h Brussels time
In line with the priorities of the European Commission, the actions proposed under COSME 2019 work programme aim at strengthening the competitiveness and sustainability of the tourism sector and at increasing its contribution to economic growth and jobs in the EU. Given the impact tourism related activities can have on the local environment, three out of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are specifically relevant to tourism.
The general objective of this Call is to boost sustainable tourism development and capacity of tourism SMEs through transnational cooperation and knowledge transfer, in a shift towards a more sustainable and responsible management through, among others, implementing innovative solutions for sustainable tourism and also contributing to the uptake of existing relevant strategies and certifications schemes. The development and implementation of concrete support schemes for tourism SMEs to build their capacity will be enhanced.
The action aims at:
- reinforcing transnational and cross-border cooperation to enable sustainable growth of tourism SMEs
- fostering SMEs’ capacities and skills to explore and uptake solutions, which would improve their sustainable management and tourism sustainability in general
- fostering innovative solutions for sustainable tourism through cross-sectoral cooperation
The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects is estimated at EUR 5 000 000, with a maximum grant per project of EUR 1 000 000. and a maximum reimbursement rate of 75 % of eligible costs.
Please find all related information and call documents here.
The call was published on website here. © European Union, 1995-2019