

European SMEs Road to a Sustainable Recovery

Business leaders and policymakers across the Single Market are starting to outline long-term economic recovery plans as the EU’s vaccine programme increases. The global crisis has caused challenges for industries across ecosystems, however in planning for a sustainable recovery, the Single Market...

How can plastics be more sustainable?

Thanks to their versatility, plastics have become key materials in strategic sectors such as packaging, building and construction, transportation, renewable energy, medical devices, and even sport products. There are about 60 , 000 European companies in the plastics industry, mainly SMEs, employing...

EU Sustainable Energy Week call for sessions opens in April

The EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is a two-month-long series of activities across Europe, which takes place in September and October, promoting secure, clean , and efficient energy. It brings together policymakers, stakeholders and citizens to achieve climate and energy goals for the Energy...

Cluster supports innovative Lithuanian food manufacturers

Lithuania’s National Food Cluster (NAMŪK) participates in the InoLink project, which is implemented by the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) together with the Lithuanian Innovation Center. The project aims to promote merging companies into clusters, increasing the maturity of...

Commission sets course for an open, sustainable and assertive EU trade policy

The European Commission has set out its trade strategy for the coming years. Reflecting on the concept of open strategic autonomy, it builds on the EU's openness to contribute to the economic recovery through support for the green and digital transformations, as well as renewed focus on...

Japan’s Green Growth Strategy supports 2050 carbon neutrality

On 25 December Japan launched its Green Growth Strategy which aims to support the 2050 carbon neutrality target. The full document is only available in Japanese, but the EU-Japan Cooperation for Climate has published an English summary of the main elements for a European audience (including...

Supporting ECCP clusters to go green

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform will launch in 2021 the new ''Towards Green Transition'' Facility to enable ECCP clusters to promote green transition skills amongst their members through technical advisory support by resource efficiency advisors. In this Facility, selected clusters will...
Community News

MixMatters Celebrates Its First Anniversary Promoting the Valorisation of Mixed Biological Waste

The 18 entities that make up the European consortium MixMatters gathered in Valencia on 4 and 5 of June to hold their general assembly, marking the first year of this innovative project. The meeting took place at Las Naves, one of the participating entities, and served as a platform to review the...

Community News

Dalarna Science Park, a leading example of implementing sustainability

Dalarna Science Park is one of the few science parks in Sweden that has achieved the ISO 26 000 verification, a global standard for social responsibility, which means that the park is committed to promoting sustainable development in its organisation and the region of Dalarna. In this article, we...

Community News

2nd OPEN CALL - ClusterXchange visit in Sweden 14th-16th November, 2023

Dalarna Science Park participates in the GreenTech 2.0 project, which aims to strengthen cooperation within the ecosystems of cluster organizations and support SMEs in taking advantage of development opportunities in the area of green technologies. International cooperation between organizations...

Community News

How to combine ancient, traditional sustainable, green, knowledge, wisdom, expertise with smart, cutting edge technology

Many want to improve the world, and some are passionate about it. One of those is Linda Magdalena Jonsson, who, with her company Alder Olmai Supernaturalcolours, has decided to make the textile and fashion industry more sustainable. "My main goal is not a commercial success but to make a difference...

Community News

The CEEC Strategic Immersion brings together around 150 energy professionals to discuss the implications that the decarbonisation process has on the economy

The Catalan Energy Efficiency Cluster celebrated the 5th edition of the Strategic Immersion on April 27, a day to publicize and debate the latest trends in the energy sector. The event, held in Jalpí Castle (Arenys de Munt), brought together more than a hundred energy professionals who were able to...