

Nordic Cluster Meet Up 2018: Connecting and Mobilising Clusters

Nordic Cluster Meet Up 2018 is a new playground for co-creation of innovative solutions between leading Nordic clusters and innovation ecosystems. It’s one day and one place to meet with other Nordic clusters and ecosystems and shape your future collaborations. When: November 1, 2018 Where: BLOXHUB...

EU Industry Days 2019 - calls for expression of interest are open!

The 2019 EU Industry Days will take place on 5-6 February 2019 in Brussels (The Egg Congress & Meeting Centre). The EU Industry Days were established in the spirit of co-creation, dialogue and cooperation with all relevant stakeholders. The programme will be once more co-created by the European...

Innovation & Gender

Published by the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems VINNOVA and authored by Inger Danilda and Jennie Granat Thorslund (eds.), the book tackles questions such as "Why does GENDER DIVERSITY matter when it comes to product and service innovation? What has RESEARCH shown? And what does...

Launch of BLUEMED Start-up Actions

The BLUEMED CSA Consortium is pleased to announce the opening of its Call for Strategic Start-up Actions on Blue Growth in the Mediterranean. The Call is open to entities who are willing to partner up with other organisations (to form a partnership of (min.) three entities from two different EU...

Senegal: West Africa’s future scientific and technological pole under construction

As promised in the “Emerging Senegal Plan”, Macky Sall, President of Senegal, wants Dakar to become a regional campus of reference. To achieve his vision, the president has launched the construction of a major site, dedicated to research and innovation, as reported by Jeune Afrique. The scientific...

Mapping small business-led innovation in the United States through the SBIR/ STTR awards

The American State Science and Technology Institute ( STTI) released a map of all SBIR and STTR awards distributed in the United States, by metropolitan areas between 2013-and 2017. The SBIR and STTR awards are given by the American Seed Fund, a fund managed by the Small Business Administration, at...

Are you interested in cooperating on smart specialisation with Brazil?

This call is for EU regions interested in the development of cooperation opportunities with the Brazilian States of Paraná, Pernambuco and Pará. You could register your expression of interest until the 15th of June 2018 (midnight). The EU awarded regions will be visited by the 3 Brazilian...

Korea: LG Group opens Korea’s largest private research hub in Seoul

The opening of LG Group’s largest research hub in Korea last month was driven by the power of clustering minds and companies. It will host 17,000 researchers from eight LG group affiliates. It encourages researchers to collaborate by introducing support centre where employees from all eight involved...

EU - Asia Gateway 2018 - The 4th Transylvanian International Clusters Conference Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, Romania May 16 – 18 2018

There’s only one more week left until the beginning of The 4th Transylvanian International Clusters Conference, ”EU - Asia Gateway 2018”, hosted in Cluj-Napoca, Romania in 17 and 18 May 2018. EU-Asia Gateway 2018 will be a meeting spot for people involved in industries that aim innovation and a...

Evaluation of BSR Stars Innovation Express 2015 programme

Aimed at addressing the policymakers' demand for understanding the type of results that SMEs have from BSR Stars Innovation Express projects, as well as the role that cluster organizations play in catalyzing SME internationalization, this evaluation report provides an overview of activities and...

Supporting an Innovation Agenda for the Western Balkans - Tools and Methodologies

A Science for Policy report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service, this publication aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process. The report (source:

Australia releases its 2030 strategy for innovation

Australia’s economy has been thriving on the mining boom for two decades, providing the country with development and prosperity. The wealth from mining delayed industrial development in the country, as well as the turn to a knowledge economy, based upon science and technology. The rarefaction of...