

Australia releases its 2030 strategy for innovation

Australia’s economy has been thriving on the mining boom for two decades, providing the country with development and prosperity. The wealth from mining delayed industrial development in the country, as well as the turn to a knowledge economy, based upon science and technology. The rarefaction of...

Final conference WATIFY: Inspire to Transform!

WATIFY has the great pleasure to invite you to the final conference WATIFY: Inspire to Transform, which will take place in DNK - Space for Contemporary Dance and Performance, National Palace of Culture in Sofia, Bulgaria on the 2 May 2018, from 13 h - 21h. An interactive, dynamic and disruptive...

Nairobi Innovation Week brings Kenya under the spotlight

Nairobi Innovation Week, having taken place last March, provided a brilliant opportunity to bring Kenya under the spotlight. Kenya is the ninth richest African country with a GDP of USD 70.5 billion in 2016 ( World Bank data) and an average of 5.2% growth rate per year between 2006 and 2016 ( IMF)...

Final federal budget 2018 increases funds for innovation and research and development

In February, the proposed Federal budget for 2018 was released and revealed important cuts in the field of research and development and innovation. The budget was debated in Congress. Unlike what was proposed by the Office of Budget, the new FY 2018 supports regional innovation, with the help of...

U.S Department of Commerce released its new strategy for 2018 – 2023

In line with the federal budget cuts, the U.S. Department of Commerce has reviewed its strategy towards focusing almost exclusively on commercial services. Therefore, the new tasks of the department will concern mostly permitting and regulations. The provision of direct support to business and...

US administration cuts innovation & entrepreneurship budget

Early February 2018, the Office of Management and Budget from the US White House released the 2019 Federal Budget. The budget aims primarily at reducing the deficit by USD 3.6 trillion. To reach this aim, several cuts affect programmes by either reducing or eliminating them. Analysts from State...

U.S. Consumer Technology Association (CTA)™ has developed an International Innovation Scorecard

The U.S. based Consumer Technology Association (CTA)™ has developed an International Innovation Scorecard that identifies the critical areas of national policy that spur innovation, and reveals the areas in which countries may be stunting their own growth and preventing global innovation from...

Call for proposals: STARTS – The Arts stimulating innovation

Deadline: 17 April 2018 17:00:00 Topic Identifier: ICT-32-2018 The challenge of the S+T+ARTS=STARTS program – innovation at the nexus of Science, Technology and the Arts - is to better address innovation in industry and society by engaging artists in European R&I projects to explore unconventional...

Highlights of the 5th Spanish National Congress of Clusters

The V National Congress of Clusters reinforces the role of business innovation in the era of digital transformation. In 2018, the international label "Spain Cluster" will be launched. At the headquarters of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, the V Congress of Innovative Business...


ENRICH – European Network of Research and Innovation of Centres and Hubs, China has been officially launched on October 25 th and 27 th in Chengdu and Beijing, respectively. Promoted by the European Commission through Horizon 2020, ENRICH is a global network of centres and hubs that promotes the...

Highlights of the 6th Romanian National Cluster Conference

Between 22-23 November 2017 more than 250 participants from the Romanian, European and Balkan cluster communities as well as representatives of the European Commission, national governments, agencies for regional development and other cluster stakeholders gathered in Bucharest to share their...

Official Opening of ‘ENRICH in Brazil’

The ‘European Network of Research and Innovation Centres and Hubs’ (ENRICH) in Brazil has been ceremonially inaugurated on 29th November 2017 in Brasília, Brazil. ‘ENRICH in Brazil’ aims to become the main hub and contact point for European and Brazilian Science, Technology and Innovation Actors...