Nordic Cluster Meet Up 2018: Connecting and Mobilising Clusters
Nordic Cluster Meet Up 2018 is a new playground for co-creation of innovative solutions between leading Nordic clusters and innovation ecosystems. It’s one day and one place to meet with other Nordic clusters and ecosystems and shape your future collaborations.
When: November 1, 2018
Where: BLOXHUB, Copenhagen
The Nordic Cluster Meet Up 2018 is aligned with Nordic Innovation’s new initiatives on Nordic smart mobility and connectivity. The meet up will provide a unique opportunity to develop project ideas, collaborations and consortia for the call, as well as gaining insights from Nordic Innovation on their strategies, priorities and funding criteria. We also welcome those of you who intend to prepare EU/Horizon 2020 proposals. The Nordic Cluster Meet Up 2018 also offer insights into other sources to facilitate further Nordic cluster collaboration, inspiration from leading Nordic clusters and matchmaking between participants.
At Nordic Cluster Meet Up 2018 you can:
- Get insights into Nordic Innovation’s current calls and strategies, with focus on but not limited to smart mobility and connectivity
- Matchmake
- Co-create with other Nordic clusters and initiate new Nordic partnership projects
- Get inspired by successful Nordic clusters
- Increase your Nordic cluster network
- … and much more
Nordic Innovation’s new programme on Nordic Smart Mobility and Connectivity 2018-2021 was launched in May this year. A total of NOK 60 million has been allocated to the programme. The first funding and collaboration opportunities will be published this autumn. A separate call for project outlines, targeted directly at clusters and ecosystems, will be launched early October. Nordic Innovation will provide funding of NOK 200 000 to up to 10 early-stage Nordic projects related to smart mobility and connectivity, with the aim of developing the most promising initiatives to next stage large scale Nordic Innovation projects.
All projects funded by Nordic Innovation require partners from at least three Nordic countries (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland). More information on selection and standard eligibility criteria will follow.
Who can participate:
The Nordic Cluster Meet Up 2018 is for clusters and innovation ecosystems from Nordic countries (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland).
The Meet Up is organised by Nordic Innovation and Cluster Excellence Denmark in close coordination with Enterprise Europe Network and the key Nordic agencies: Vinnova, Innovation Norway, Innovation Centre Iceland, Business Finland and the Danish Agency for Institutions and Educational Grants.
Nordic Innovation is aware that the joint BSR Stars Innovation Express programme has come to an end and recognises that there is a demand for a new networking platform. Through the meeting and matchmaking session on 1 November, Nordic Innovation will contribute to filling the gap and to test this new concept, although in a specific thematic area. The workshop is also a follow-up of the co-creation workshop Clusters as Drivers of Nordic Smart Mobility and Connectivity, which took place in Stockholm on 16 May 2018.
What is Nordic Innovation?
Nordic Innovation is a Nordic organisation working to promote cross-border trade and innovation. The organisation shall contribute to make the Nordic region a leading region for sustainable growth, and increase entrepreneurship, innovation and competitiveness in the Nordic region. Nordic Innovation is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers, which is the official inter-governmental body for cooperation in the Nordic region.
For further information about Nordic Cluster Meet Up 2018, please contact:
Kaspar Nielsen, Chief Project Manager, Cluster Excellence Denmark (kan [at] (kan[at]clusterexcellencedenmark[dot]dk))
For further information about Nordic Innovation and Nordic Smart Mobility and Connectivity, please contact:
Nina Egeli, Senior Innovation Adviser (ne [at] (ne[at]nordicinnovation[dot]org) / +47 975 20 537)
Arvid Løken, Senior Innovation Adviser (al [at] (al[at]nordicinnovation[dot]org) / +47 995 01 646)