Matchmaking for 3D printing: 3DP PAN EU
3DP PAN EU is an EU-wide web-based matchmaking tool connecting supply and demand in the field of 3D printing.
The platform was originally designed to map 3DP test and demonstration facilities in the EU. Now, in the face of the corona virus crisis, it also allows matchmaking between 3DP production facilities and companies/organisations in need.
While many of those initiatives meanwhlie exist on the local and regional levels, 3DP PAN EU is the only one operating at European level. Through the platform, any interested organisation in Europe is able to contact suppliers of 3D printing related services. Furthermore, the platform aims to foster awareness, knowledge and uptake of 3D printing technologies, offers information on facility centres which provide quality services related to testing, validating and certifying 3D printing solutions and enables SMEs’ access to this information.
It is a European Parliament pilot action managed by the European Commission and implemented by a consortium consisting of Brainport Development, IDEA Consult, ART-ER, CIVITTA and Asterion Europe.
Please find more information and access to the platform here or contact corona [at] (corona[at]3dppan[dot]eu) directly.