European Commission


Repair and Recovery package availed by the EU for post-COVID-19 phase 

On the 3 rd of June 2020, the European Commission proposed modifications to its annual budget to make €11.5 billion for crisis repair and recovery available already in 2020. Once available, the funds will go to the regions most in need, and support businesses also outside European Union borders. The...

European Union Solvency Support Instrument to restart the European economy after COVID-19

The European Commission has launched the Solvency Support Instrument (SSI), which builds on the existing European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) in order to kick-start the European economy by overcoming the severe socio-economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Solvency Support...

New call for EU Green Week partner events

The EU Green Week takes place on 20-22 October 2020. With a high-level policy conference in Brussels and partner events around Europe, it is the biggest annual event on European environmental policy. You can become an event partner too. If you will organise an event on environmental topics between...

Survey: Identification of disrupted supply and value chains in the EU

In order to help repair the economic and social damage brought by the Coronavirus pandemic, to kick-start European recovery, and to protect and create jobs, the European Commission is proposing a major recovery plan for Europe which was announced on 27 May 2020 in the Communication COM(2020) 456...

Next Generation EU - European Commission's new recovery instrument  

The European Commission has put forward its proposal for a major recovery plan. To ensure the recovery is sustainable, even, inclusive and fair for all Member States, the European Commission is proposing to create a new recovery instrument, Next Generation EU, embedded within a powerful, modern and...

Ongoing international pledging event against COVID-19

The European Union and international partners are hosting an international pledging marathon which started on Monday 4 May 2020 and will run until the end of May 2020. The aim is to gather significant funding to ensure the collaborative development and universal deployment of diagnostics, treatments...

Budgetary and financial response to the COVID-19 crisis

The European Union has acted quickly to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences. Showing considerable flexibility, EU institutions have organised a package of measures (some already decided, others proposed or requested), to counter the COVID-19 crisis, drawing both on the EU budget and a...

Survey for the European Green Deal call

The Green Deal call will mobilise research and innovation to foster a just and sustainable societal transition aiming at ‘leaving nobody behind’. Projects are expected to deliver tangible and visible results relatively quickly and show how research and innovation can provide concrete solutions for...

Commissioner Breton on the Tourism & Transport Package

In the current times of recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, the t ourism industry is preparing to reopen its doors to renewed economic activities with caution. At the time of presenting the package the European Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, expressed his views on how the...

Critical industrial applications: report on current policy measures and policy opportunities

The European Commission (EC) has defined Artificial Intelligence (AI) as one of the most strategically important technologies of the 21st century, and ‘a Europe fit for the digital age’ is one of six headline ambitions for the current EC cycle. On 19 February 2020, the EC presented its ‘Digital...

European Semester Spring Package: Recommendations for a coordinated Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

The European Commission has proposed country-specific recommendations (CSRs) and privded economic policy guidance to all EU Member States in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. The recommendations focus on the most urgent challenges brought about by the pandemic and on relaunching sustainable...

Support package to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on employment (SURE)

As part of its emergency support package to tackle the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis, the EU is setting up a temporary instrument to help workers keep their jobs during the crisis. As of the 15 th of May, the European Council has announced the political agreement reached by EU ambassadors...