Survey: Identification of disrupted supply and value chains in the EU

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 29 May 2020

In order to help repair the economic and social damage brought by the Coronavirus pandemic, to kick-start European recovery, and to protect and create jobs, the European Commission is proposing a major recovery plan for Europe which was announced on 27 May 2020 in the Communication COM(2020) 456: Europe’s moment: Repair and Prepare for the Next Generation. It states very clearly that the supply chains and production lines have been disrupted and the trade in goods and services have been interrupted. The crisis has broken up parts of the European productive tissue and has affected crucial supply chains. This disruption of production and decline in demand in one Member State will have a significant impact in others. The EU should reduce its dependency on external suppliers and increase its resilience to global supply issues.

The cluster community needs to react promptly to strengthen the European supply chains and address the issues that were exposed during the crisis. Therefore, the European Clusters Alliance wants to react quickly after the publication of the Communication and, under a contract with the European Commission, is identifying these disruptions.

Share your knowledge on disrupted supply/value chains in or across industrial ecosystem(s) to find solutions which will strengthen the European open strategic autonomy unlocking investments for greener, more digital and resilient Next Generation EU and contribute here:

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