European Clusters Alliance
European Alliance Against Coronavirus returns under EU Industry Week
The European Alliance Against Coronavirus (EAAC) is back for a new series of open exchanges in 2021! After the incredible mobilisation of clusters, associations, institutions, networks, universities, NGOs, companies etc. to exchange information and solutions for challenges caused by the COVID-19...
Community News
Antonio Novo is re-elected as president of the European Clusters Alliance
Kristina Sermuksnyte-Alesiuniene (AgriFood Lithuania) becomes new Vice-President and Montse Daban (Council of European BioRegions - CEBR) joins the Board of Directors. Antonio Novo, president of the Spanish Federation of Clusters and managing director of the Aragonese cluster IDiA, renews his...
Community News
FIT4FoF project presents its first results at the European Cluster Alliance Online Sessions
Kieran Delaney (CIT) and Paulo Leitao (IPB) had the opportunity to present the latest results of the project during the morning session of the European Clusters Alliance.
Clusters for Next Generation EU: Dialogue between European Commissioner Thierry Breton and the European Clusters Alliance
The European Commission has announced a major recovery plan for Europe to help repair the economic and social damage brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. European Commissioner Thierry Breton and the European Clusters Alliance will explore the role of clusters in this recovery plan in a virtual meeting...
European Cluster Collaboration Platform Webinar: “The Covid-19 industrial cluster response: solutions for dealing with ecosystem supply chain disruptions”
On 28 April 2020 the ECCP hosted a webinar on the COVID-19 industrial cluster response. The webinar was run by the European Commission and showcased the work and achievements of the European Cluster Alliance (ECA) in addressing ecosystem supply chain disruptions to over 200 participants. The webinar...