European Alliance Against Coronavirus returns under EU Industry Week
The European Alliance Against Coronavirus (EAAC) is back for a new series of open exchanges in 2021! After the incredible mobilisation of clusters, associations, institutions, networks, universities, NGOs, companies etc. to exchange information and solutions for challenges caused by the COVID-19 crisis in more than 160 meetings past year, EAAC will continue the dialogue with new topics starting in February 2021.
How can I participate?
Any interested entity and person are welcome to participate in the sessions and contribute to the discussion. They can sign up to receive invitations to the morning sessions via this link: Subscribe to EAAC morning sessions
Please note that all sessions of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus will be recorded and published on the European Cluster Collaboration Platform and on the website of the European Clusters Alliance.
What is planned for 2021?
The European Alliance Against Coronavirus will meet twice a week, every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 – 9:30 CET. These regular meetings may be complemented by additional sessions according to the needs of the participants.
The first session will take place on 2 February at 8:30 CET and will update the participants on the latest EU initiatives for the green, digital, and resilient transformation. EAAC will welcome Ulla Engelmann, Head of Unit “Advanced Technologies, Clusters and Social Economy” at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW), and Marek Przeor, Team Leader “Cluster Policy” at DG GROW, as speakers. In addition, Antonio Novo, President of the European Clusters Alliance, will give an overview of the planned morning sessions for 2021.
Topics to be covered in the upcoming meetings will include
- any urgent thematic related to the COVID crisis (EU Rapid Alert Function)
- the role of clusters and the collaborative approach on new EU initiatives
- new calls and funding opportunities
- good practices and cluster activities in the industrial ecosystems and their recovery
- cross-sectorial and interdisciplinary collaborations
Local events of the EU Industry Week 2021
The EAAC sessions in February and March will take place under the EU Industry Week 2021. It is Europe’s flagship annual event on industry and serves as the main platform to discuss industrial challenges and co-develop opportunities and policy responses in an inclusive dialogue with a wide range of partners. It also helps to ensure that the policies at European, national, regional, and local levels work together to enable European industry to deliver jobs, growth, and innovation in Europe.
About the European Alliance Against Coronavirus
EAAC is an open exchange group which consists of clusters, associations, institutions, universities, companies, social economy stakeholders and other entities, and counts with close links to the European Commission. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, the group has been meeting on a regular basis to find solutions to the challenges caused by the crisis. Among other activities, EAAC identified disrupted value and supply chains in Europe´s industry and made suggestions for its economic recovery.
The past morning sessions of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus are available on the European Cluster Collaboration Platform:
September - November 2020 and March - July 2020
Antonio Novo Guerrero
President European Clusters Alliance
antonio.novo [at] (antonio[dot]novo[at]clustersalliance[dot]eu)
+34 650 410 080