European Cluster Collaboration Platform Webinar: “The Covid-19 industrial cluster response: solutions for dealing with ecosystem supply chain disruptions”
On 28 April 2020 the ECCP hosted a webinar on the COVID-19 industrial cluster response. The webinar was run by the European Commission and showcased the work and achievements of the European Cluster Alliance (ECA) in addressing ecosystem supply chain disruptions to over 200 participants.
The webinar, introduced by Dr Ulla Engelmann, Head of Unit in charge of industrial clusters within the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs of the European Commission, featured various examples of bottom-up hands-on experiences on how to respond to COVID-19. All the examples demonstrate that cooperation and active exchange of information are needed. A mapping of ecosystems is important to identify all key actors and additional efforts are needed to go beyond the ‘usual suspects’ and to include more actors from civil society. Key features of successful responses include shared leadership, an open innovation approach, and sharing knowledge. Entering in the next phase of the crisis, it is important to critically reflect on the experiences and to develop a more strategic approach for the future.
The webinar also highlighted how the European Commission has joined forces with the European Cluster Alliance to establish on the ECCP a COVID-19 response forum moderated by ECA for ECCP users to connect, solve and save. The forum helps to address both needs and solutions for disruptions in the value chains. Key features in addressing the crisis are shared leadership, boosting collaboration, opening up innovation and tackling COVID 19 in the social economy.