European Cluster Alliance
Industrial Ecosystems: Energy-intensive industries
Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 22 September 2020 Energy-intensive industries are at the core of European industries and encompass chemistry, steel, plastics, paper, wood, refinery, ceramics and many other sectors. As explained by Titas Anuskevicius, DG GROW...
News on NextGenerationEU: Guidance for the Recovery Plans
Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 21 September 2020 Ulla Engelmann from DG GROW presented to the European Alliance Against Coronavirus newly published information on the NextGenerationEU instruments. The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) will be the key tool...
Industrial Ecosystems: Proximity & Social Economy
Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 18 September 2020 In this EAAC webinar, three clusters from the social economy ecosystem presented their activities to meet the needs of their members and build bottom-up structures to enhance their opportunities. Bernard Lahure...
Industrial Ecosystems: Electronics
Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 17 September 2020 The electronics ecosystem has not been among the most hit by the coronavirus crisis. However, clusters are working hard to bring about the green and digital transition and to create resilience and to skill the...
Clusters in the National Recovery Plans: France
Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 16 September 2020 Arnaud Delaunay from the French Ministry for Economy and Finance presented their layout of the recovery plan and how clusters have been and are a partner in drafting this plan and setting the strategic priorities...
Industrial Ecosystems: Aerospace & Defence
Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 15 September 2020 In the webinar on the aerospace & defence ecosystem, Krzysztof Krystowski presented the analysis and proposals from the European Aerospace Cluster Partnership (EACP), a partnership of more than 40 European...
Industrial Ecosystems: Tourism
Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 14 September 2020 The tourism ecosystem is one of the hardest ones hit by the COVID-19 crisis. It encompasses accommodation providers, travel operators, hospitality, and transport, as explained by Milosz Momot in this webinar...
S3: International and territorial cooperation
Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 11 September 2020 Smart specialisation is an ambitious regional policy. Kevin Morgan from Cardiff University opened the session with a reflection on the achievements of S3 and its areas where it needs improvement. International...
Developing skills for S3, industrial transition and entrepreneurship
Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 10 September 2020 This morning session of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus was dedicated to the skills aspect of smart specialisation. Starting with the example of their clusters work, Carla Jiménez from CEAGA explained...
S3: Growth and competitiveness of SMEs
Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 9 September 2020 In this webinar, the EAAC looked at the r ole of clusters for the resilience of SMEs and the implementation of the smart specialisation strategies with examples from Slovakia and Romania. Giving the introduction...
S3: Digitalisation for citizens, companies and governments
Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 8 September 2020 In this morning session, the European Alliance Against Coronavirus looked at examples of how the digitalisation for citizens, companies and governments can be pushed forward through regional initiatives and...
Partnerships of Industrial Modernisation Platforms
Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 4 September 2020 This session was dedicated to the relationship between clusters and S3 Thematic Platforms. Fernando Mérida Martin, Isabelle Seigneur from the Joint Research Centre outlined the concept of smart specialisation and...