European Cluster Alliance


Industrial Ecosystems: Creative & Cultural Industries

Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Webinar on 14 October 2020 The creative and cultural industries have been seriously impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. In this webinar, the speakers turned to the question: What needs to be done for the recovery of the ecosystem? Romanas Matulis...

A detailed look at the Recovery and Resilience Facility guidelines applied to the Mobility - Transport - Automotive ecosystem

Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Webinar on 12 October 2020 Morgan Guillou from DG GROW presented to the European Alliance Against Coronavirus the time frame for NextGenerationEU. The final vote on the RRF will be in January 2021 when the next MFF will be implemented. The...

Cluster proposals for the Interregional Innovation Investment Initiative

Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Webinar on 9 October 2020 In this webinar, the European Alliance Against Coronavirus invited he European Association of Development Agencies EURADA to discuss the new Interregional Innovation Investment Initiative proposed by the European...

Common declaration on the role of clusters in the European Recovery Plans

Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Webinar on 2 October 2020 The European Alliance Against Coronavirus brainstormed ideas for a common declaration on the role of clusters in the European recovery plans, which supports their activities towards their governments. The European...

Industrial Ecosystems: Digital

Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Webinar on 1 October 2020 The digital ecosystem is deeply linked with the other ecosystems – the digital transformation is one of the main goals for the next years. Bianca Muntean, Transilvania IT Cluster, presented the cluster’s activities in...

The Role of Clusters in Accelerating the European Recovery - previous recordings

Since March, ECA has hosted over 100 webinars to analyse the implications and help industrial cluster with the post-pandemic regeneration. After putting the initial emphasis on ad-hoc recovery measures, the European Cluster Alliance Against Coronavirus Initiative is now focussing on the role of...

Industrial Ecosystems: Agri-food

Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 28 September 2020 This webinar on the Agri-food ecosystem took place in the frame of the hybrid Joint BG-RO Cluster Event “Bioeconomy as Driver for Green, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth – Clusters and Their Role as Key Players”...

Industrial Ecosystems: Textile

Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 25 September 2020 How can clusters be involved in the recovery of the textile ecosystem? Mikael Garellick, DG GROW, presented the scope of the ecosystem, which includes textile & clothing, leather, and footwear. It counts with 198...

Call for project ideas in the Commissions seven flagship areas

In September, the European Commission set out strategic guidance for the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility in its 2021 Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy (ASGS). The Facility will be key for Europe's post-COVID recovery and and instrument at the heart of NextGenerationEU. The...

Clusters in the National Recovery Plans: Lithuania and Czech Republic

Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 30 September 2020 In the webinar on 30 September 2020, the European Alliance Against Coronavirus welcomed representatives of Lithuania and the Czech Republic to talk about the situation and recovery priorities in their countries...

Industrial Ecosystems: Health

Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 24 September 2020 During the COVID-19 crisis, the health ecosystem has come under severe stress, experiencing an extraordinary situation. It is therefore one of the 14 ecosystems that needs a special focus for the recovery. Anna...

Industrial Ecosystems: Renewable Energy

Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 23 September 2020 Renewable energy plays a big role in the EU Climate Target Plan, a proposal to cut net greenhouse gas emission by at least 55% by 2030. Julia Walschebauer, DG ENER, presented data on the technology shares that...