EU industrial policy
A vision for the European Industry until 2030
In December 2017 the European Commission established The Industry 2030 high level industrial roundtable, consisting of 20 experts selected following an open call for applications, to provide independent advice on future EU industrial policy action. On 24/07/2019 DG GROW published the final report of...
Second European Industry Day
The event will update stakeholders on the Commission's strategic approach to industrial policy and actions to further develop industrial competitiveness in Europe. It will also serve as a forum where stakeholders contributing to European industrial competitiveness can showcase their activities...
Follow-up of the European Industry Day 2017
400 participants, key industrial players, global trend shapers and high-level policy makers inspired a debate on the future of European industry. The event opened with a video message from Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. High-level policy makers, including Commission Vice-President Jyrki...
European Industry Day Conference live!
On Tuesday 28 February, key industry players, trend shapers and EU policymakers will meet in the first EU Industry Day to take stock of what the EU's industrial policy has achieved and debate on the future of European industry. The European Industry Day conference is organized by the European...