A vision for the European Industry until 2030

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 31 July 2019

In December 2017 the European Commission established The Industry 2030 high level industrial roundtable, consisting of 20 experts selected following an open call for applications, to provide independent advice on future EU industrial policy action. On 24/07/2019 DG GROW published the final report of the Industry 2030 high level industrial roundtable, with recommendations on the future of EU industrial policy strategy towards 2030.

The report sets out a vision of the European industry in 2030 as a global leader, responsibly delivering value for the society, the environment and the economy. It builds on three main pillars: 

  • European industry will be transformed at enhanced pace through the automation and digitisation of manufacturing, products and data-driven services, while industrial value chains will be re-organized towards a circular economy; this ransformation enabled by breakthrough policies addressing the competitiveness of European industry for companies of all sizes, its value chains, and its industrial innovation ecosystems

  • Europe will be globally competitive, with the Single Market at the core of industrial policy

  • Social inclusiveness and values will be at the core of EU industry 

the report indentifies the challenges and opportunities for the EU industry, the key drivers for success and, in order to achieve the presented vission, proposes some game-changing actions in the three deriving strategic imperatives for European industrial policy: managing a fast and inclusive transformation, championing global competitiveness and addressing social inclusiveness and our values.

As a key driver for success the focus on strategic value chains and value creation networks as opposed to linear value chains, is mentioned as essential to foster the transformation of European industry, in shifting from a linear supply chain management to demand and ecosystem management, supported by strong regional ecosystems embracing their own smart specialisation and bridging regional disparities, where different stakeholders combine their knowledge and co-create the content, context and learning experiences.

Clusters of change - a new generation of value creation networks that are open, multi-collaborative, entrepreneurship-driven, cross-sectorial, SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) focused and inter-connected across Europe - one of the game-changing actions suggested, are expected to develop by 2030 a unique pan-European scaling-up mechanism, to Europeanise and globalise our regional industrial innovation ecosystems, and to multiply the impact of the regional smart specialisation strategies exponentially. 

For a thorough reading please refer to the attached report.

The information and views set out in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or of the Commission. Neither EASME, nor the Commission can guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this report. Neither EASME, nor the Commission or any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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