Second European Industry Day

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 04 December 2017

The event will update stakeholders on the Commission's strategic approach to industrial policy and actions to further develop industrial competitiveness in Europe.

It will also serve as a forum where stakeholders contributing to European industrial competitiveness can showcase their activities, learn from each other, discuss cross-cutting issues and develop joint visions for the future. Stakeholders will come from a variety of industrial sectors, finance, research and innovation, public government and administration.

This second European Industry Day will be divided into 3 parts:

  • On 23 February a high-level conference with the participation of high-level speakers and key-expertswe will be organized
  • On 22 February a number of stakeholder workshops will take place, organised directly by stakeholders on selected thematic areas (a call for interest will be published soon)
  • Organisations, companies and public authorities across Europe will also be able to submit proposals to organise local, regional or national events under the 'European Industry Week' brand

European Industry Day 2018 builds on the constructive dialogue that was initiated during the first Industry Day in on 28 February 2017. This successful event presented how industrial competitiveness has been mainstreamed into key EU initiatives and launched the debate on a future-oriented EU agenda on economic modernisation.

More information will be published soon here.

Contact: GROW-F1 [at] (GROW-F1[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

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