Cluster collaboration

Community News

Seven Security Clusters Join Forces for a More Secure Europe

On the 30 th of April 2021, during the Munich Cyber Security Conference, seven security clusters announced their collaboration through the initiative EnSure Collaborative, a network of clusters, interconnecting their local security and safety ecosystems, people and infrastructures, forming a...
Community News

Packaging Cluster boosts and presents 8 projects to promote the circular economy

A total of 21 entities and companies have participated directly in the preparation of the proposals, with a total budget of about half a million euros Last Friday, the deadline for submitting the 2020 call for the promotion of circular economy projects of the Agència de Residus de Catalunya closed...
Community News

The WINNing Days, a first WINNing action from the collaboration between France Water Team, ZINNAE and Water Alliance

Successful takeoff for the WINNing Days with more than 130 registered participants! The WINNing Days organized on the 2nd of February had the main goal of bringing together all type of actors impacted by water-related challenges to prepare themselves for the next framework programme Horizon Europe...

ECCP capacity-building webinar on cluster digitalisation

Summary of the Digitalisation of Cluster Services and Activities webinar on 28 October 2020. As part of a series of capacity-building webinars, the event focused on how the COVID-19 pandemic has driven digitalisation in 2020 and how clusters have adapted. While digitalisation has brought risks, it...

International Cluster to Cluster Meeting - C2C 2020 | Goes digital!

The International Cluster-To-Cluster Meeting - C2C 2020 will be held on the 10th June 2020 in digital mode. The International Cluster-To-Cluster Meeting is a summit gathering clusters from different regions and countries aiming at exploring common areas of interest, activating new partnerships with...

Third Benchmarking Visits & Training tour in Wallonia for the South-Med Clusters of THE NEXT SOCIETY Cluster Booster Track

The third Benchmarking Visits & Training of THE NEXT SOCIETY is about to start. After Catalonia, in Spain and Piedmont, in Italy, this time benchmarking visits and training activities will take place in the Walloon region, Belgium. As of next Monday, 28 October, about 12 cluster managers, cluster...

Connecting Nordic clusters

40 Nordic clusters met in Copenhagen to discuss smart mobility and connectivity, collaborations and learn from each other. On November 1st, 2018 40 clusters from all the Nordic countries had taken the trip to sunny Copenhagen to participate in the Nordic Cluster Meet UP 2018 hosted by Nordic...

Towards cluster collaboration between EU - Eastern Partnership countries

On July 11-12, 2018 Tbilisi hosted the workshop "Towards cluster collaboration between EU - Eastern Partnership countries" organised within the Eastern Partnership Countries Plus project (EaP PLUS). The event was an excellent opportunity for European cluster managers and experts to meet and exchange...

The question: „To go or not to go (international)?“. The answer: LASER-GO!

Linas Eriksonas, coordinator of the ESCP-4i partnerships LASER-GO and LASER-GO GLOBAL is not afraid to do pioneer work, striving to build up strong, sustainable trust-based relationships „for life“ with partners in strategic markets outside Europe. The goal for the collaborating 6 European clusters...

Brazil analysis reports are available

Two analysis reports prepared by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, the preparatory briefings and discussion paper on Brazil, are available! These reports are the result of the collection of relevant cluster information in the country, including business and sector trends, cluster policies...

Industry 4.0 The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Industry 4.0 targets putting together University researchers and experts from companies in a brainstorming environment towards analysing the new technological elements, understanding the trends and foreseeing the Fourth Industrial Revolution brought up by connectivity, social-ability and several...

First Preparatory Briefings on the USA and South Korea now available

The preparatory briefings on the United States of America and South Korea are the result of the collection of relevant cluster information in the country, including business and sector trends, cluster policies and programmes, as well as a cluster mapping. They concentrate on the so-called industrial...