The WINNing Days, a first WINNing action from the collaboration between France Water Team, ZINNAE and Water Alliance
Successful takeoff for the WINNing Days with more than 130 registered participants!
The WINNing Days organized on the 2nd of February had the main goal of bringing together all type of actors impacted by water-related challenges to prepare themselves for the next framework programme Horizon Europe.
The WINNing Days in figures:
- 1 plenary session providing key information on Horizon Europe, the multiple opportunities for water-related actors and to facilitate sharing of tips and know-how to build a good proposal.
- 5 interactive working sessions gathering between 15 to 25 participants discussing water challenges in an interdisciplinary approach in relation with the Horizon Europe draft Work Programme:
- WG#1 - Contaminant of emerging concern and antimicrobial resistance was moderated by Dominique DARMENDRAIL (BRGM)
- WG#2 - Using digital solutions for a 100% circular industry moderated by Johanna CASTEL (CAP Digital)
- WG#3 - Innovative water-related approaches for a climate resilient society moderated by Eric MINO (OIEau)
- WG#4 - Toward a sustainable agriculture with efficient water management and environment preservation moderated by Jeroen RIJNHART (CEW)
- WG#5 - Building resilient territories through the water-energy-food nexus moderated by Pieter DE JONG (Watercampus)
- 15 days of B2B meetings opportunities to meet and interact with potential partners all around Europe
- 132 participants from 16 different countries (included 5 non-EU countries), registered to the WINNing Days:
- 30% public authorities
- 26% SMEs
- 19% clusters
- 15% University/R&D institution
- 6% Large organizations
- 4% others
- 18 outstanding speakers & moderators including 4 EU representatives, 3 SMEs or private organizations for the WINNing stories, 5 experts in EU projects and Marc Pattinson as main conductor!
- 3 Associated partners: The COSME BLUES project, Water Smart Territories S3 platform and the Digicirc INNOSUP project.
Next steps:
The WINNing Days organizers are already planning the next WINNing actions with even more cross-sectoral collaborations! Stay tuned 😊
Cluster organisation