Best practices
Kesko Logistics trains drivers in eco-driving
Driving eco-change... Large Finnish logistics company explores wide range of eco-friendly hauling solutions Optimised routing and loading as well as training for contract hauliers in eco-driving deliver the goods Kesko Logistics is one of the largest providers of logistics services in Finland. It...
Best practices
Energy awareness and positive involvement at Finnish dairy
Multiple actions, one goal... save energy! Arla Oy organises yearly energy awareness-raising actions involving the entire organisation The campaigns communicate energy saving potential in everyday work while promoting a positive atmosphere Arla Oy is a Finnish milk processing plant and subsidiary of...
Best practices
Big savings by optimising waste management and reducing water use
More than a pebble story... Joint waste-sorting and resource conservation efforts yields good results for the company, environment and staff Material losses reduced by 264 tonnes (saving € 53 000 a year), and 57 % cost savings on waste Le Moulin is a flour milling company based in Martinique, the...
Best practices
More efficient plastic and cardboard waste sorting saves money
Tackling mixed waste a priority Improved waste-sorting channels cut back on mixed waste destined for incineration Better-sorted waste leads to lower waste costs, resale options, more staff participation Improvement measures generate savings of around € 6 000 per year Nestlé Purina, a food-processing...
Best practices
Energy awareness theme week helps tech-services firm meet energy goals
Involve everyone and see the results! Metso implemented an organisation-wide energy saving theme week to engage everyone in boosting energy efficiency in daily work The campaign activated employees and energy saving efforts were also noticed by customers and stakeholders Metso is a global supplier...
Best practices
Energy awareness campaign: small actions but big energy savings
Training and communication are important tools when you want to make sure that the measures to increase the efficiency of energy use are implemented successfully. Train and guide personnel in energy use and energy saving activities in their everyday work in order to achieve company-level goals to...
Best practices
Lean organisations: the path to continuous efficiency improvement
Global competition and fast changes in markets require companies to develop efficient processes and operations, and to streamline their whole value chain. The Lean methodology can be used to improve the efficiency of an organisation as a whole*. Transformation to Lean operations requires commitment...
Best practices
Smart hand dryers
Handy technology New hand dryers mean energy and cost savings while providing useful information A library expects to save € 22 640 on washroom facilities The British Library had an annual spend on dry cleaning and replacing linen towels of about € 25 000 (£ 22 202). These included dryers with low...
Best practices
Polish research institute sets up central printing system
Why carry on with the hassle of dozens of printers? Institute tackles its printing problems (50 individual printers) with a centralised printing system This offers more oversight, simpler maintenance and repair, and encourages repsonsible printing Maintenance costs cut significantly and at least 60...
Best practices
Hamburg pastry shop saves energy and boosts its bio-image
Organic coffee, sustainable thinking... a bio-bonus Pastry shop pursues a 'sustainable approach' on all levels: products, processes, principles It introduced several energy-efficiency measures Yearly energy savings of 62 000 KWh (€ 16 100 cost-benefit) The German Caféhaus Langes is a well...
Best practices
More web-conferences cut CO2 emissions and costs for control technology firm
Less effort, less cost when switching to web-conferences Policy of more web-conferences for field manager saves on flights, slashes carbon footprint 25 % less flights per year means savings of around € 55 152 TELE is a medium-sized manufacturing company and Austrian market leader in the field of...
Best practices
Sustainable mobility policies at organisations
Developing a sustainable mobility policy can significantly reduce a company's carbon footprint, boost its image and competitiveness, while offering safety and security benefits for employees. There are several ways to approach sustainable mobility, including: Assess travel needs, frequency and mode...