Energy efficiency
Best practices
Better heating system for storing liquids
Long overdue upgrade yields huge savings Upgrading the 30-year-old liquid storage heating system saves nearly € 70 000 in energy costs annually The significant € 335 000 investment could be recuperated in under 5 years Rubber manufacturer from the Czech Republic implemented an energy-saving project...
Best practices
Forced ventilation with heat recovery in office building
Public building in Prague gets bespoke ventilation and heat recovery Well-ventilated indoor environment considered worth the premium for an office refit Energy consumption reduced by ~600 GJ per year Annual energy cost savings estimated at ~€ 9 000 An administrative building in Prague, the Czech...
Best practices
Implementation and modernization of measuring and control system
Measuring and control systems (MCS) are used to automatically control both manufacturing and non-manufacturing processes, including monitoring, visualisation and evaluation. Installation of frequency drives on electric motors, such as variable speed drives (VSD), is a typical industrial MCS measure...
Best practices
Installation of frequency inverters for electric motors
Ageing induction motor got an overdue upgrade Upgrading VSH’s 45-year-old electric induction motors yielded results Reduced energy consumption of ~388 GJ, saving € 34 567 yearly Investment in motor efficiency controllers will pay for itself within 3 years The Czech company VSH produces and sells...
Best practices
Improving accounting of materials and energy using TOP 20 method
Traditional accounting systems are not routinely designed to provide companies with information about total costs related to the use of resources and generation of waste and emissions. When a company is able to calculate and allocate costs on so-called non-product outputs, it can better monitor the...
Best practices
Distillery in Austria learns how to save energy using 'Top 20' analysis
Positive experience inspires continued effort Top 20 analysis highlights measures where energy performance was lacking Improvements like reducing compressed air demand (by 20 %) saved on electricity Top 20 experience inspired the company to carry on recording energy consumption in detail For more...
Best practices
Top 20 analysis helps cut energy use in Austrian animal feed company
Look closely and all kinds of savings can be found Top 20 analysis reveals energy-saving opportunities Adjusting compressed air pressure, for example, saves about 19 000 kWh in electricity a year Grain dust (byproduct) recommended for use as biogas fuel Garant Tiernahrung GmbH is an animal feed...
Best practices
Better oversight of materials and energy using TOP 20 method in furniture industry
Taking the next step to sustainability Furniture-maker goes a step further to boost its energy and resource efficiency Input-output analysis pinpoints hidden costs in production and beyond Moretti Compact is one of the Italian market leaders in bedroom furniture production. The company had already...
Best practices
Refurbishment with energy efficient lighting
Any standard lighting system combines a lamp and a luminaire. Advances in technology have significantly improved the energy efficiency and performance of today’s lighting solutions. Modernising lighting systems should be a priority refurbishment option, and offers several advantages: Increased...
Best practices
Lighting system based on LED technology at August Koopmann GmbH
Fresh light on the fine print A full lighting system refit made a big difference at August Koopmann Yearly savings of around 75 000 kWh in power, 67 % less! € 10 500 saved per year, and an ROI of 28 % August Koopmann GmbH is a medium-sized printing company which prides itself on its quality in a...
Best practices
Positive incentives for employees to reduce resource use
Positive incentives for employees are closely related to information, education and training activities. While information and training are often the first steps, this measure focuses on positive incentives to perpetuate or strengthen environmentally friendly behaviour. Creating incentives around...
Best practices
Collaborative and circular business model
Changing the company business model can involve new services, products and approaches to sourcing resources and dealing with customers. The motivation could be to capitialise on a new value proposition aimed at current or new customers or to enter a totally new market niche. Some new business models...