European Cluster Collaboration Platform Webinar: “The Covid-19 industrial cluster response: solutions for dealing with ecosystem supply chain disruptions”
On 28 April 2020 the ECCP hosted a webinar on the COVID-19 industrial cluster response. The webinar was run by the European Commission and showcased the work and achievements of the European Cluster Alliance (ECA) in addressing ecosystem supply chain disruptions to over 200 participants. The webinar...
Rethinking Innovation: Danish Clusters’ Response to the COVID-19 Crisis
Like the rest of the world, clusters are also affected by the corona crisis. Right now, they are taking action to mitigate the sudden changes which many member companies are experiencing in the current situation. Some services and activities change, new ones are added, and others suddenly become...
Fighting COVID-19: European Alliance Against Coronavirus
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, a new network emerged across Europe to find solutions and share experiences. What started as an informal search for 3D printing capacities only some weeks ago has now turned into a high potential group of experts collaborating with the European Commission...
The new ECCP COVID-19 Response Forum brings together the industrial clusters community to connect, solve and save!
The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) set-up the COVID-19 Response Forum for the industrial clusters and their members as a virtual place to connect and share their needs, offers, questions, experiences and solutions related to the COVID-19 outbreak within the community. We encourage...
NiCAT Cluster: Clusters, what can we do now? #COVID19
We share with you an article posted by Goran Mladenovic, CEO Nis Cluster of Advanced Technologies, Serbia, Europe, disseminating the cluster's experience in connecting to the cluster members in these difficult times: "For years, as clusters, we have been preaching collaboration, openness and sharing...