The European Clusters Alliance


Clusters and the Enterprise Europe Network

On 18 May, the European Alliance Against Coronavirus talked about the collaboration between clusters and the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), the world’s largest support network for SMEs. Crispin Waymouth from DG GROW​, European Commission, spoke about the reorganisation of the Directorate-General...

Covid19. A perspective from Lombardy

We share with you the presentation made today by Ilaria Massari, General Manager REI - Reindustria Innovazione during one of the daily meetings of the group “European Alliance Against Coronavirus” organized by the European Clusters Alliance. Find out more about the Covid19 situation in Lombardy...

Green light for the establishment of the European Clusters Alliance

Today, 9 September 2019 in Warsaw, during the opening of the Regional and Economic Diplomacy Summit organised by the Polish Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology in partnership with The Polish Clusters Employers' Association , the “Warsaw Declaration for the Establishment of the European...