Clusters and the Enterprise Europe Network

Submitted by Imogen Allan on 12 August 2021

On 18 May, the European Alliance Against Coronavirus talked about the collaboration between clusters and the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), the world’s largest support network for SMEs.

Crispin Waymouth from DG GROW​, European Commission, spoke about the reorganisation of the Directorate-General GROW, which now encompasses cluster policy, the new Industrial Forum, and the EEN. They combine all stages of entrepreneurship in one unit.

The Enterprise Europe Network offers services on international partnerships, advisory support, and innovation support. There is a new call for proposals open for the EEN from 2022 onwards. Furthermore, the Industrial Strategy update offers considerable space for synergies and collaboration.

Antonella Venza from Luce in Veneto​ cluster gave examples of how their cluster is cooperating with many stakeholders on different levels. The cluster represents the entire supply chain of the lighting sector and is well aligned with the smart specialisation strategies for their region. The cluster is mainly working on internationalisation, research, training, and networking.

Marta Krakowiak, European Lighting Cluster Alliance, explained how the alliance is currently collaborating with the EEN node North-East Italy to improve the connections with international partners. They highlight B2B matchmaking and brokerage events, offer partner search services, and take on advisor roles in project executions.

Mirela Puiu, Romanian Textile Concept Cluster, described how the cluster is collaborating with the EEN in three different areas. They co-organise presentations and webinars, company visits, and tailor-made solutions with the aim to enhance the level of innovation and internationalisation of cluster SMEs.

Their approach offers an easier access to the SMEs for the EEN team, a more filtered and focussed access to relevant information and tailor-made support for the SMEs, and helps to diversify the spectrum of activities and services for the cluster managers.

The morning sessions are open to everyone.

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Watch the full recording here:

enterprise europe network
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