The first interacting event for clusters specialised in environmental technologies & cleantech
The first edition of World Efficiency Exhibition & Congress will be held in Paris , October 13-15th October 2015 This event, organised in conjunction with the COP21 Agenda of Solutions offers an opportunity to enhance clusters action for innovation to accelerate the ecology, energy and climate...
Call for application: matchmaking mission on renewable energy, São Paulo, Brazil, November 7-11, 2016
As part of the Institutional Network that supports Low Carbon Business Action, we are glad to inform that the call for applications for the EU-financed matchmaking-mission on renewable energy, including the subsectors: solar, photovoltaic and biomass for energy; is officially opened from Monday 15th...
Call for application: matchmaking Mission in São Paulo "Biogas and Biomethane", Brazil, October 17-21, 2016 - Deadline extended!
As part of the Institutional Network that supports Low Carbon Business Action, we are glad to inform that the CALL FOR APPLICATIONS for the EU-financed matchmaking-mission on “ Biogas and Bio-methane” is officially opened from Monday 18 th of July through Sunday 14th of August. We would kindly ask...
For all clusters in the energy field: follow live the “Smart Specialisation in Energy” event tomorrow 16 June, #S3PEnergy #Eusew16
ECCP brings you closer to a top event of the S3PEnergy platform by inviting you to follow the session through the livestreaming service available at The event can be followed in four languages (English, French, German and Spanish) and the hashtag of reference is:...