

Horizon Europe Call for Raw Materials in Complex Supply Chains

Are you a cluster or SME in raw materials? Horizon Europe has an open call to try and improve supply chain transparency and ensure the sustainability of European raw materials. Context There is a need to improve EU supply chain data transparency and traceability, enabling consumers and producers to...

LIFE Calls for Proposals

Calling all clusters and SMEs in climate action! The new LIFE programme 2021-2027 focuses on nature, biodiversity, circular economy and quality of life, climate change mitigation and the clean energy transition. More than €580 million is available to fund your projects. The LIFE Team has published...

EU launches International Just Energy Transition Partnership with South Africa

The governments of South Africa, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, the US and the EU have announced a new ambitious Just Energy Transition Partnership to support South Africa’s road to decarbonisation. The partnership was announced at the  COP26 climate conference in Glasgow. Germany noted that...

Public Consultation on Digitalising the Energy Sector

Calling all clusters and SMEs in energy! The European Commission is working on an action plan on the digitalisation of the energy sector. In this context, the Commission is carrying out a public consultation to gather input from stakeholders and individuals. The consultation survey covers multiple...
Community News

Yamina Saheb: "My child will live shorter than his grandmother"

“The situation is very bad”. This is how Yamina Saheb, PhD in energy engineering and European energy policy analyst, started her intervention at the event Energy transition: utopy or reality? which took place in Barcelona on May 2. This is the first session out of a series of events that the Catalan...

Community News

The Catalan Energy Cluster presents the results of the Energy Barometer 2023

• The opinion survey, aimed at representatives of the more than 220 organizations that belong to the cluster, and other relevant agents in the energy field, look to find out the current state of the sector. • According to the results, 84% of the organizations in the sector call for simplifying the...
Community News

2nd OPEN CALL - ClusterXchange visit in Sweden 14th-16th November, 2023

Dalarna Science Park participates in the GreenTech 2.0 project, which aims to strengthen cooperation within the ecosystems of cluster organizations and support SMEs in taking advantage of development opportunities in the area of green technologies. International cooperation between organizations...

Community News

AIBC EUROCLUSTERS Calls: Unleashing AI and Blockchain for SMEs!

🚀 Today, AIBC EUROCLUSTERS is launching four exciting open calls, revolutionising the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain (BC) technologies in SMEs across manufacturing, mobility, logistics, and energy fields. If you're a SME from an EU Member State or a SMP participating...

Community News

The CEEC Strategic Immersion brings together around 150 energy professionals to discuss the implications that the decarbonisation process has on the economy

The Catalan Energy Efficiency Cluster celebrated the 5th edition of the Strategic Immersion on April 27, a day to publicize and debate the latest trends in the energy sector. The event, held in Jalpí Castle (Arenys de Munt), brought together more than a hundred energy professionals who were able to...

Community News

EU CLUSTERS' Competences Mapping Survey

AIBC Euroclusters' partnership invites all European clusters working / interested in the fields of digitalisation, sustainability, ICT and digital technologies (Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain), manufacturing, mobility, energy and logistics, to take part in a short survey to map compenteces...
Community News

AMULET Second Open Call

On 10 January 2023, the H2020-INNOSUP-1 project AMULET published its second and last call for cascade funding for SMEs, with a budget of 1.193 M euros. The call deadline is 22 March 2023. The goal of AMULET is to create new value chains through projects that will foster the penetration of advanced...
Community News

The new paradigm forces companies in the world of packaging to reformulate themselves to be greener and more efficient

In the industrial world, the concern par excellence that occupies the agendas of companies and organizations, and that everyone talks about, is sustainability, or any of its synonyms. In the packaging sector it could not be otherwise. Since the recent publication of the Law on waste and contaminated...