Best practices
Using green labelled recycled paper in offices
Every office needs a 'blue angel' Recycled office paper is a viable 'green' alternative, saving businesses up to 13 % on paper costs Using recycled paper cuts CO2 emissions by 15 %, based on average yearly consumption OEKO Institute in Germany has assessed the benefits of substituting standard...
Best practices
University of British Columbia: sustainable procurement for offices
Calculated 'green' decisions Procurement policy guides sustainability actions for staff, students, faculty Green choices are often cheaper or have a short payback on investment University of British Columbia (UBC) is a leading sustainability advocate and practician among Canadian and north American...
Best practices
Procuring sustainable office supplies and consumables
Consumables such as paper, staples or beverages are cheap if you consider how often they are used and how easily they are replaced. The decision to use more sustainable suppliers is made easier today thanks to better information and labelling, such as 'Blauer Engel' and 'ENERGYStar' which guarantee...