Open Call - EU4Business: Connecting Companies
Call Reference: EuropeAid/161515/DH/ACT/ Deadline for submission of concept notes*: 15/02/2019 at 12:00 (Brussels date and time) The global objective of this call for proposals is to contribute towards the development of sustainable and equitable economic growth models in the EaP countries, which...
Towards cluster collaboration between EU - Eastern Partnership countries
On July 11-12, 2018 Tbilisi hosted the workshop "Towards cluster collaboration between EU - Eastern Partnership countries" organised within the Eastern Partnership Countries Plus project (EaP PLUS). The event was an excellent opportunity for European cluster managers and experts to meet and exchange...
EaP PLUS launches its first cluster grand scheme!
The EaP PLUS project, funded by the European Union, just launched its first cluster grant scheme ! The EaP PLUS Grant Scheme (2017) is designed to enhance EU-EaP research and innovation partnerships through cluster and cluster-like organisation cooperation. The scheme aims at strengthening clusters...
EaP PLUS Project Stimulates Establishment of New Cluster Management Organization in Georgia
A EAP PLUS success Story: How the EaP PLUS Project has helped the establishment of a new cluster management organization in Georgia, the Georgian Clusters National Platform. By Dr. Givi Kochoradze, Member of the EaP PLUS project Consortium and EC ICT NCP Αt the Prague Summit of May 2009, the Eastern...