Open Call - EU4Business: Connecting Companies

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 04 January 2019

Call Reference: EuropeAid/161515/DH/ACT/

Deadline for submission of concept notes*: 15/02/2019 at 12:00 (Brussels date and time)

The global objective of this call for proposals is to contribute towards the development of sustainable and equitable economic growth models in the EaP countries, which can generate more investments and improve socio-economic conditions and employment opportunities for citizens.

The specific objective of this call for proposals is to support capacity of sectorial Business Support Organisations to enhance EaP SMEs internationalisation, export capacities and access to new markets. The assistance will focus on sectors that have most potential for export to the EU and EaP intra-regional trade.

In concrete terms, this means supporting the development of quality business networks including the provision of adequate support and linkage services for SMEs, including but not limited to agro-food, sustainable construction, ICT, transport & logistics, textiles and tourism. The main bulk of this component will consist of financial support to third parties activities to reinforce the action of sectorial BSOs notably the internationalisation of their SMEs.

Furthermore, the programme should reach the following results:

Result 1: Increased number of business deals between EaP SMEs and international companies.

Result 2: Capacity of participating sectorial Business Support Organisations (BSOs) has been strengthened to provide improved services towards their members in view of increasing international trade and attract investment.    

The programme is expected to:

  • Devise a strategic concept of intervention for the achievement of the specific objective, which will provide guidance and orient the choice of projects in the countries which will receive subgranting.

  • Provide financial support to third parties to implement these projects.

  • Coherently with the strategy, the programme shall provide and implement a communication strategy, that will ensure proper dissemination of the results achieved through the projects among BSOs and SMEs.

Since the main purpose of this grant is to provide financial support to third parties, at least 3.5 million EURO of the EU contribution must be reserved for this end. This should ensure broad participation of eligible organisations from the different eligible countries.

The present Call for Proposals aims at selecting and financing only one contract. Any grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between the minimum amount of EUR 6.000.000 and maximum amount of EUR 6.500.000. The maximum percentage of total eligible costs of the action allowed is 95%.

Please find all call documents as well as the guidelines for grant applicant EU4Business Connecting Companies here

*This is a restricted call for proposals. In the first instance, only concept notes (Part A of the grant application form) must be submitted for evaluation. Thereafter, lead applicants who have been pre-selected will be invited to submit a full application.

Published on European Commission webgate, (c) European Union, 1995-2018

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