
Community News

Euroboostex market study: a useful guide to embrace the European Textile industry twin transition

EuroBoosTEX’s analysis of the textile sector has identified the main trends that will determine the future of the textile industry in the coming years. The textile sector is a very large industry. Therefore, strategies must consider the whole value chain. The sector has undergone a series of major...

Community News

EuroBoosTEX, accelerating the digital and ecological transition in the textile industry

EuroBoosTEX is a European partnership that aims to accelerate the dual green and digital transition of European textile SMEs and boost their international competitiveness. EuroBoosTEX Joint European initiative in support of the textile industry for European recovery through digital and ecological...

Community News

Life Science digital maturity - where do we go from here?

Life science as a field is changing rapidly. Where the natural sciences, pharmacy, and medicine played a large role in the past, engineering, data management, and interfaces have become increasingly important. From the wet lab bench to the virtual in silico environment, both experiments and analysis...
Community News

Lithuanians will talk about the synergy of agri-food and photonics at the EU Industry Days

On February 11th, participants of the EU Industry Days will have an exceptional possibility to learn more on the unique topic “AgriFood and Photonics: the synergy through cross-ecosystem collaboration”, which is initiated by the “AgriFood Lithuania DIH” and the Laser and Engineering Technology...

Support programme

Micro Grants for SMEs from KET4CleanProduction

This programme is an SME financial support instrument managed under the KET4CleanProduction initiative of the European Commission. Micro Grants are offered for transnational cooperation projects between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and minimum 2 KET technology centres (KET TCs), which...
Community News

Ministry of Industry allocates EUR 20 million to finance projects in support of recovery, digitalisation and green transition

Recently published in the BOE the new aid package of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism for the application to the Innovative Business Groupings for the improvement of the associated SMEs The Packaging Cluster explained days before the operation of the line and examples of success stories...
Community News

Internationalization conclusions from our SMEs Frontrunners analysis

The project run an analysis of its ecosytems and identified 10 frontrunners companies & SMEs from the sustainable fashion industry, who shared their lessons learned and are giving through this report recommendations based on their experience and strategy in internationalization, considering the...
Community News

Did you just miss the SMARTENERGY 6-pack series?

Three 6-pack series of SMARTENERGY have come to an end. The Italian, Belgian and French partners of SMARTENGERY organised 3 online advanced trainings on hydrogen, energy communities and smart grids. Outstanding players of the regional and national ecosystem at the crossroads of energy &...
Community News

Packaging Cluster promotes 5 strategic projects aimed at incorporating Industry 4.0 in small and medium-sized companies

The Packaging Cluster has presented 5 project proposals to the AEI in the call for aid from the Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo in 2021, established to improve the competitiveness of SMEs The proposals group an estimated budget of € 1,000,000, bringing together 5 relevant sectors and 20...
Community News

SmartCommunities Conference 2021 - April 13, 2021

Torino Wireless, as partner of the Italian Technology Cluster for Smart Communities, is organising the SmartCommunities Conference 2021, a national event dedicated to the promotion of the best innovation solutions for more resilient and intelligent communities, on its first edition it will be...
Community News

SmartCommunities Conference 2021: Call4Speakers

The Smart Communities Conference is the Italian event dedicated to the promotion of the best innovation solutions for more resilient and intelligent communities, on its first edition it will be focused on the topic Digital Transformation of the Community (“Digital Transformation delle Comunità”)...
Community News

5 members of AEI Tèxtils presented in the CLAMTEX Virtual Marketplace with over 180 participants

More than 180 participants registered to the CLAMTEX Virtual Marketplace: Towards industry 4.0 in the textile industry organized between January 20th and February 24th with a total of 6 webinars and 6 matchmaking sessions. The event was organized by the European Cluster Strategic Partnership for...