
Community News

DREAM focus on target countries: tips and tricks to make business overseas

More than 100 people connected to the cycle of meetings dedicated to overseas markets Japan Canada and the USA to strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs in advanced manufacturing! These three countries are of high interest for European SMEs in advanced manufacturing as they are strong players in the...

Digital Health ClusterXchange in Barcelona

The BRIGHT project opens the opportunity to visit Barcelona for a 5-day stay between the 27th of November and the 1st of December. During your visit you will attend two events that will serve you to build your network in Catalonia with regional, national, and international experts in the fields of...

SocialTech4EU Call for Social Enterprises in Europe Financial support for Innovation

The SocialTech4EU (SocialTech for Europe for Resilient and Responsible Ecosystems) Euroclusters project Call for Social Enterprises for innovation provides financial support to social enterprises to carry out a feasibility study, in collaboration with innovation providers, for the development of an...

Call for innovation funding of RE-CENTRE project - New Extended Deadline: 03/07/2023 at 17 h CET

RE-CENTRE project supports SMEs from the three sectors involved ( traditional furniture and living sector, IT sector, and green/circular economy sector) in the development of innovation projects and new business models to become more competitive and resilient trough collaboration. The general...


This Open Call supports European companies (SMEs) in the development of projects for piloting and/or demonstrating new or improved digital and environmentally friendly products and services that use Artificial Intelligence (AI) and/or Blockchain (BC) to support/increase twin transition in at least...

Call for innovation funding of RE-CENTRE project is open

RE-CENTRE project supports SMEs from the three sectors involved ( traditional furniture and living sector, IT sector, and green/circular economy sector) in the development of innovation projects and new business models to become more competitive and resilient trough collaboration. The general...
Community News

ReStartSMEs project: Facilitating collaborations for the adoption of Industry 5.0 new technologies by Manufacturing SMEs

ReStartSMEs is the initiative promoted by the European Commission to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and thus economic downturn . The project aims to build resilience of manufacturing SMEs in automotive, machinery & equipment, food and textile by analyzing their digitalization needs and offering...

SUAVE - Stimulating SMEs in new Urban Agriculture Value Chain for sustainable growth in Europe

The SUAVE Euroclusters project for S timulating SMEs in the new U rban A griculture V alue Chain for sustainable growth in E urope has received funding from the EU’s Single Market Programme under Grant Agreement 101074762 and started in September 2022. Total funding available: €1,050,000.00. SUAVE...
Community News

SecurIT project launches its 2nd Open Call

• The SecurIT has launched its 2nd and final open call for SME consortia to carry out prototypes and demonstrators with security applications! Applications are expected to solve security challenges in 3 key domains identified by SecurIT : sensitive infrastructure protection, disaster resilience and...
Community News

1st batch of SecurIT funded projects -21 innovations for more secured, safe and resilient Smart Cities and Territories

The ultimate goal of the EU H2020 funded project SecurIT is to address multiple key gaps by supporting the development and the integration of innovative security solutions in a new global competitive industrial (& service) value chain SecurIT website :
Community News

Techtera is a partner of EUROBOOSTEX aiming to accelerate the digital and ecological transition in the textile industry

Objectives of the partnership Launch last september, the european project EUROBOOSTEX aims to stimulate the environmental and digital transition of European textile SMEs, and to boost their international competitiveness. In particular, the project will improve the resilience of textile SMEs by...

Community News

Proyecto BI&Consumidor - Como conocer el consumidor mediante catas con tecnología IoT y monitorización de patrones de compra

Cada vez es más evidente que el consumidor toma el control acerca de la toma de decisión en la compra, cambiando la forma en la que investiga y compra. La digitalización rompe barreras en el sector vitivinícola. Debido a la enorme cantidad de datos que los retailers conocen de los consumidores, la...