Top Experts Needed for EU Missions
EU Missions are an innovative initiative under Horizon Europe that aim to transform European society. They will support the transition to a greener, healthier, more inclusive and resilient continent. The European Commission has a call for experts to join the five Mission Boards. The Mission Boards...
Consultation for a Resilient, Green and Digital Construction Ecosystem
Are you an EU cluster or SME in construction? The European Commission has an open consultation to make the construction ecosystem greener, more digital and more resilient. The staff working document is the basis of the consultation and will be a key step towards improving sustainability in...
Consultation to support the Green and Digital Transitions
In light of new European priorities such as the European Green Deal and Industrial and Digital Strategies, the European Commission has published a consultation on a draft proposal for the green and digital transition. The revision of the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER) aims to promote...
Stakeholder consultation for a resilient, innovative, sustainable and digital energy-intensive industries ecosystem
The European Commission has prepared a Staff Working Document to outline possible scenarios for a transition to a more resilient, innovative, sustainable and digital energy-intensive industries ecosystem. This document aims to launch a co-creation process for concrete actions, milestones and...
Participate in a study on intra-cluster market intelligence
To bring key cluster issues to light, the University of Valencia has launched a survey on cluster internationalisation. According to past investigations, cluster members’ marketing cooperation and internationalisation are among the key challenges faced by cluster managers. The findings from this...
Commission seeks views on plans for defence and space industries
The European Commission is seeking the views of stakeholders on its plans for synergies and cross-fertilisation between the civil defence and space industries. Defence, space and civil (including security) industries face unprecedented global competition, in a changing geo-political context. They...
Have your say on European ocean energy policies
The European Commission is gathering views on the development of the ocean energy sector and of the Ocean Energy Communication. It is particularly keen to hear from: the general public Public sector: EU institutions and bodies, International organisations, Member State and regions active in the...
Consultation launched on EU energy efficiency directives
One of the aims of the European Green Deal is to increase the European Union's (EU) climate ambition so that greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by at least 50% and towards 55% in a responsible way by 2030. As the first steps in this process a series of climate, energy and environmental...
Views of public authorities sought on consumers' role in green transition
The European Commission's Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers (DG JUST) is seeking the views of public bodies on ways to empower consumers to play an active role in the green transition. A preparatory study is being carried out in the context of the European Green Deal, which provides a...
Get free expert advice on IPR in South-East Asia
Are you interested in expanding your business into South-East Asia? Are you worried that, if you do, your product or service may be copied or your brand name misused? If you have any concerns related to Intellectual Property Rights protection in this region, the South-East Asia IPR SME Helpdesk is...
European Commission seeking views on EU Trade policy
The European Commission has launched a major review of the European Union's trade policy, including a public consultation seeking input from the European Parliament, Member States, stakeholders and civil society. The Commission's objective is to build a consensus around a fresh medium-term direction...
Invitation to the public consultations on the European Climate Pact
The European Green Deal sets out how to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Alongside government policies and regulation, there is a role to play for citizens, communities and organisations in all sectors of our society and economy. To this end, as part of the Green Deal, the...