Have your say on European ocean energy policies
The European Commission is gathering views on the development of the ocean energy sector and of the Ocean Energy Communication.
It is particularly keen to hear from:
- the general public
- Public sector: EU institutions and bodies, International organisations, Member State and regions active in the sector, public investment funds
- Private sector: industry representatives, technology developers, insurance and private investment actors, ocean energy business organisations
- Research: research and cluster organisations
- NGOs, civil society
This consultation will help to evaluate the Commission’s policy to promote the development of ocean energy technologies.
The review process will take into account the evaluation and further development of the European Union's (EU) general policy towards renewable energy development and energy technology policy.
It will cover the progress made by the ocean energy sector in the EU in fulfilling the oceans potential as a strategic energy source, the implementation of the Blue Energy Communication, EU and Member States’ policies, as well as financing instruments impacting the deployment of ocean energy technologies.
EU policies and instruments affecting and supporting ocean energy technologies will be examined by their effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value.
Ocean energy use is covered by a set of technologies that aims to harness the energy from tides, currents, waves, sea temperature and salinity gradients. Ocean energy could provide clean, predictable, indigenous and reliable energy and contribute to the EU's objective of reaching a share of renewables of at least 32% of the EU’s gross final consumption by 2030 and to decarbonise the EU economy by 2050.
Views can be submitted until 10 December, 2020. Read more and take part here.