
Best practices

Construction site waste management cuts CO2 emissions in half

In the know A municipal housing company set a goal to improve construction site waste recycling rate in a pilot project Actions included establishing a waste sorting system at the site, educating workers and using waste statistics for follow-up and development In addition to improved recycling rate...
Best practices

Resource efficient building design with Ecolabel criteria

Top of the class A municipal housing company used requirements of the Nordic Ecolabel to support building design for decreased carbon footprint and environmental effects The design incorporated several measures including better insulation, use of recycled materials and demand control automation for...

Are EU companies adopting digital technologies?

The 2018 Digital Transformation Scoreboard shows that the uptake of digital technologies by businesses is increasing. Equally, more EU countries perform above the average in the integration of digital technology. The United Kingdom, Spain, Denmark and Luxembourg are the most digitally-aware European...

ESMERA: First call for experiment proposals now open!

SMEs developing robotic technologies may now apply for providing solutions to predefined real-life challenges. The respective challenge winners will receive direct financial support through a cascade funding mechanism of up to 200.000 EUR each. The ESMERA Project (European SMEs for Robotic...

EU Gateway mission to Japan - Construction and building technologies

The EU Gateway | Business Avenues market-scoping mission to Japan for Construction & Building Technologies companies will take place from 18 to 22 November 2018. The selected European companies will have the opportunity to showcase their products and services during the 3-day exhibition at Japan...
Best practices

Sustainable procurement to deliver sustainable housing

The right stuff ... partners in affordable housing Cardiff Council sought the right partners to build affordable and sustainable housing that delivers benefits to the economy and community Expert recommendations by WRAP helped the Council adapt its bidding process to secure partners who shared their...

The 5th edition of the Congress of Innovation on Sustainable Construction (CINCOS’16)

The Sustainable Habitat Cluster extends the invitation to the 5th edition of the Congress of Innovation on Sustainable Construction - CINCOS’16 ( that will take place in Lisbon (Portugal) on November 3rd and 4th , 2016, focusing on its main theme: “NEW CHALLENGES FOR THE...