London ClusterXChange Report
London ClusterXChange Overview The activities carried out during the exchange were mainly two. The first activity was the visit to the Future Fabrics Expo. A showroom specialized in low-impact materials for the textile and fashion sector. This first activity was divided into one day and a half...
Life Science digital maturity - where do we go from here?
The new ClusterXchange IT Tool is now live!
The new CXC IT Tool is finally live! After months of gathering feedback from the European Cluster Collaboration Partnerships| Excellence (Partnerships) and other CXC participants, the CXC Support Office, in collaboration with the ECCP IT Team, is happy to announce that a simplified CXC IT Tool is...
Two new European projects to maximize impact of innovation in BioRegion of Catalonia
Big business opportunities in the Big Science market
The Packaging Cluster visits three continents on different international missions
Online Event "Clusters Exchange Best Practices" Save the date
We are inviting you to our EVOLUTE Peer learning workshop, the 21st of September, from 10:00 to 11:30. EVOLUTE project will build high performance clusters in the Automotive and Land Machinery Industry by strengthening the skills and deepening the know-how of 6 clusters in Europe. Cluster managers...