EaP PLUS launches its first cluster grand scheme!
The EaP PLUS project, funded by the European Union, just launched its first cluster grant scheme ! The EaP PLUS Grant Scheme (2017) is designed to enhance EU-EaP research and innovation partnerships through cluster and cluster-like organisation cooperation. The scheme aims at strengthening clusters...
High-level mission to the U.S. and cluster matchmaking event: opening research and innovation collaboration opportunities for European clusters and their members!
High-level mission to the U.S. and cluster matchmaking event: opening research and innovation collaboration opportunities for European clusters and their members! From the 15th to the 19th of May 2017, a delegation visit of 19 European cluster organisations from 10 EU countries to the United States...
Fifth Issue of the European Cluster Observatory Published this April
The European Cluster Observatory has published the Fifth European Cluster Observatory Newsletter this April. The Issue provides insight into recent cluster activities, and particularly an overview of the progress of the six model demonstrator regions. Previous Newsletters and access to all the ECO...
EaP PLUS Project Stimulates Establishment of New Cluster Management Organization in Georgia
A EAP PLUS success Story: How the EaP PLUS Project has helped the establishment of a new cluster management organization in Georgia, the Georgian Clusters National Platform. By Dr. Givi Kochoradze, Member of the EaP PLUS project Consortium and EC ICT NCP Αt the Prague Summit of May 2009, the Eastern...
Several ECCP profiled clusters were represented at the Project workshop “ European Defence Action Plan: New Opportunities for Regions” co-organised by DG GROW, EURADA and ERRIN and held in Brussels on the 9th of March. The meeting highlighted several new funding opportunities for defence related...
CE-ASEAN Business Association: the consultancy designed to develop business opportunities between Central European and ASEAN region organisations
The Central Europe – ASEAN Business Association (CE-ASEAN Business Association) is a business development platform operating as a membership-based business association. It is headquartered in Budapest (Hungary) with offices in Brussels and the ASEAN region (Ho Chi Minh City). CE-ASEAN Business...
International Cancer Cluster Showcase - BIO 2017 Save the date for 2017 !!!
The 6th International Cancer Cluster Showcase is taking place June 19th, 2017 in San Diego. For each of the last 5 years, 200+ representatives of the international oncology community joined ICCS, participating in this focused and dynamic meeting. Come enjoy a kick-start into BIO 2017 partnering...
Clusters As The Driving Power Of The European Economy
France Clusters is happy to announced the publication of the book about the contributions that were presented during the call for papers around the European Clusters days 2015. This event had the theme “Clusters as the driving power of the European Economy” Click here if you want to order the book...