Circular economy

Community News

5 keys to promote talent in the company

The work model in which we are immersed is rebuilt as society acquires new habits and the adaptation process speeds up or slows down depending on the profile of each professional and their proactivity in the face of transformations. A clear example that we have all seen recently is the case of...
Community News

Catalonia stands as a hub for the promotion of the circular economy

In the last call for grants from the Agència de Residus de Catalunya, to promote the circular economy, the Packaging Cluster managed to draw 7 initiatives out of the 8 proposals The 16 changemakers involved will be in charge of generating good practices that can be replicated in other territories...
Support programme

Companies Network in Corsica

In Corsica, Ademe has set up a network of thematic experts to guide companies interested in sustainable development practices. Coordinated by the Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI), there are three to six experts available per thematic area: circular economy, environment, waste, energy, and...
Support programme

European Investment Bank funding for Circular Economy projects

In light of the EC Circular Economy Package, the European Investment Bank (EIB), as the EU bank, aims to support the transition to a circular economy (CE), in particular in the EU, but also in other parts of the world. While the EIB has a long track record of lending to projects focusing on...
Support programme

Environmental performance in Brittany

The Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of Brittany and the Ademe have set up a multi-dimensional programme to improve companies' environmental management. Five key areas are adressed: energy efficiency, waste efficiency, circular economy, eco-design and eco-innovation. Companies can contact...
Support programme

CD2E - Creation Development of Eco-Enterprise in Haut-de-France

The Creation Development of Eco-Enterprise is one of the largest clusters in France and Europe to work on eco-technologies, bringing together around 250 members (companies, research centres, entrepreneurs, public institutions, etc.) in the Haut-de-France region. It has developed tools and actions to...
Support programme

Climaxion - energy transition and circular economy in région Grand Est

Climaxion is the regional programme for the energy transition and the circular economy in the Grand Est region in France. It revolves around four main themes: energy efficient and sustainable buildings, renewable energies, circular economy and resource saving, climate action and sustainable...
Support programme

PIA - Investment for the future plan

The PIA (Programme d'Investissements d'Avenir) is an industrial policy tool that acts as a catalyst for green growth. It finances innovative projects of all sizes to bring out or develop the industrial sectors of tomorrow. The programme covers a wide range of thematic areas: renewable energy (marine...
Support programme

Close the Loop - Guide for a circular fashion industry

Close the Loop is a tool that guides fashion entrepreneurs through the basics of a more sustainable and circular way of working. For each phase of a fashion product lifecycle (resources, design, production, retail, consumption, end of life), the tool formulates five resource-efficient strategies...
Support programme

Circular Building - information platform

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency ( provides a special information package through a dedicated web platform to companies and entrepreneurs wishing to start or switch to circular construction approaches. RVO's Circualr Building web-page provides an overview of things that companies can take...
Support programme

EU Innovation Deals

The Innovation Deals (IDs) instrument, set up by the European Commission, help innovators facing regulatory obstacles by setting up agreements with stakeholders and public authorities. IDs are a voluntary cooperation between the EU, innovators, and national, regional and local authorities aimed at...
Community News

Approved 7 of the 8 projects supported by the Packaging Cluster in the call of the Agència de Residus de Catalunya that stand up for the circular economy

The Agència de Residus de Catalunya has recently published the provisional resolution of the subsidies for the promotion of circular economy projects, where 7 of the 8 projects in which the Packaging Cluster has participated have been approved With 90% success, the entity stands as one of the...