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Insulating the pipework and valves of a hot-water and heating systems could help cut heat loss or heat gain by up to 90 %. In one or two years, the investment could be recovered, and savings made. Ta
Best practices
Biomass heating is a proven technology which most commonly uses virgin wood, certain energy crops, industrial wood residues and certain agricultural residues to produce heat. Biomass is considered a
Best practices
Flash steam released from hot condensate can be recovered and applied elsewhere in the plant to maximise overall efficiency. Recovery systems reduce steam-raising costs, utility bills and CO2
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The return of the condensate Steam condensate is a well-known by-product of many industries. What is less well known is that it can be a powerful source of heat that can be reused. Using this end-of
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Economisers are gas-to-water heat exchangers located within a purpose-built flue section. They are used to recover heat from flue gasses for shell and water-tube boilers. The main use of economisers
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On a daily or weekly basis, steam boilers blow down hot water from the boiler to avoid the formation of sludge. Blowdown heat systems can recover much of this waste heat and reuse it. The system is
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Case for dual burners Installation of dual fuel burners to replace heavy oil burners, with the aim of increasing fuel-heat effectiveness and avoiding radiation heat loss, among others. Steam and
Best practices
According to the Carbon Trust, heating can account for as much as 60 % of total energy use, yet a large proportion of the energy consumed by heating is likely to be wasted due to incorrect control
Best practices
According to the Carbon Trust, heating can account for as much as 60 % of total energy use, yet a large proportion of the energy consumed by heating is likely to be wasted due to incorrect control
Best practices
Optimum start controls vary the times that heating systems come on, depending on the weather, occupancy, and the current heat in the building. Using optimum start instead of fixed time control can
Best practices
Large, centralised, hot-water systems can often be inefficient. At times when demand for hot water decreases, a large system can waste energy and money. Equally, with decentralised systems it is
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