Blowdown heat recovery
On a daily or weekly basis, steam boilers blow down hot water from the boiler to avoid the formation of sludge.
Blowdown heat systems can recover much of this waste heat and reuse it. The system is made up of a flash vessel and a heat exchanger. It works best when blowdown is carried out continuously when boilers are operating over longer periods and levels of condensation recovery are relatively low.
These systems can potentially be used with any steam boiler but are unlikely to be effective when paired with boilers of below 1 000 kW. Specialists are best suited to assess the needs corresponding to specific blowdown quantities, and ensure the equipment is correctly installed and commissioned.
Each blowdown waste-heat recovery project needs to be tailored to the quantity of blowdown being produced and the potential uses of the recovered heat. Maintenance is minimal upon installation.
EAUC-Scotland and Resource Efficient Scotland (RES), Energy Efficiency Technologies Catalogue,…
Carbon Trust, How to implement bolwdown heat recovery,…