New European Electronics for Global Health and Wellbeing (NE4HEALTH) has its market focus on #printed and flexible #electronics applied to #medical technologies, such as wearable #biosensors for healthcare monitoring, #e-skin devices for healthcare applications, as well as implantable electronics. In light of the considerable development potential of the new technologies, the main consequence is the general improvement at the level of #diagnosis, #prevention, #monitoring, and #treatment. For this reason, the #transnational and #cross-sectorial collaborative approach promoted by #NE4HEALTH strategically contributes to empowering the emerging industries, with #Europe as key-player in the international market.
The working mechanisms of the forecasted interventions target the interconnectivity among the major coordinates such as #materials, #processes, #devices/integration, #products, and #markets. Targeting stakeholder engagement, the project follows the approach of a full-fledged #integration of the project beneficiaries within the international market, based on sustainable international business development perspectives. For this purpose, considering that the medical technology sector has a determinant role in the wide European economic context, as the European manufacturers` contribution to the international market is estimated up to 27%.