Smart Grids in S3
Towards the power grids of the future, through the concept of Smart Grids. Partnership for clusters and regions both representing smart grids roll-out plans and/or experience and capacities in the field of power grids to be developped through their smart specialisation strategies.
A major technological challenge is currently taking place in the area of power networks, as they develop towards a very different concept in terms of functionality and characteristics.
Several trends and changes are driving the transformation of power grids:
- Active power demand management
- Informed and proactive consumers working to improve efficiency (prosumer)
- Automation of power distribution (renovation of grid assets)
- Integration of renewable energy sources (distributed generation)
- Grid-integration of new elements (storage systems, electric vehicle,…)
- Environmental targets
In response to these trends and demands, traditional power networks are evolving towards the new concept of smart grids, incorporating electrical and electronic technologies and information and communications systems.
This strategic partnership is addressed to clusters and regions willing to join forces in an interregional cooperation framework that may lead to a better implementation of S3 energy power grids related priorities, because of their capacities in technologies related to the smart grids deployment or because of their plans for optimisation the power grid management.
Potential themes of reference related are: aggregation of different types of consumers and generators in local communities; quality of electricity supply monitoring; demand response and flexibility at local level; upgrade of distribution networks to use production potential of RES; technologies for automation and self-healing in MV and LV grids; knowledge transfer from research centres and industry into local communities; creation of common projects that facilitate spill-overs of technical solutions to the region and involve consumers; scale-up of existing "smart grids districts" into EU-wide companies and solution providers, among others.