Cool Carbon Concrete - Making Concrete Smarter
The project, which is called Cool Carbon Concrete, will aim at exploring precise collaboration potentials and project ideas for integrating micro- and nanoelectronics, e.g. sensors, into carbon concrete, thus enabling new functionalities. "Cool Silicon e.V." and the partner "Carbon Concrete Composites e.V." currently preparing for a succesfull project. Key will be an innovative and creative incorporation of the players from both networks into a unique event, to show the potential and first ideas of integration of High-Tech into carbon concrete and develope the future of functionalized carbon concrete (please refer to TouchCrete and TouchCrete2.0). We are constantly looking for any existing examples or solutions in the field of integrated functionalities in carbon concrete or related technologies as smart woven fabrics and integrated electronics in composite materials. With a special focus on boundary conditions for electronics integration during the production of carbon concrete. Companies or other clusters interested in this field should contact Frank Bösenberg or Stefan Uhlig for more details.