Building the next-generation biomanufacturing European value chain
The two cluster organizations BioWin and Lyonbiopole intend to apply for an ESCP related to the development of next-generation biomanufacturing in the field of healthcare products. Our strengths lie in a long-term relation between the 2 organizations active in the biotech/biopharma sector (vaccines, cell therapy, antibodies, etc.). The two clusters and associated regional governments (also involved in Vanguard initiative) have shown a strong and strategic commitment to this biomanufacturing challenge related to healthcare improvement, a part of their smart specialization strategy (RIS3). By 2020, many new products will have reached the market in the range of biosimilars, bioproducts with dual specificities, new vaccines, cell and gene therapy, etc. Even if biomanufacturing sector has broadly gained in expertise, it still needs to be optimized and integrated to the whole product life cycle, from raw material to the end of the supply chain, involving technological convergence. We are looking for partner organizations that could be interested in tackling this challenge and ensure the success of this promising industrial modernization. This integration will raise a new European value chain from industries in different sectors, creating a global biomanufacturing expertise in Europe. Our proposal will address specific sectors: biopharma/biotech (for the manufacturing of new treatments for the patient), engineering and electronics (equipment for manufacturing), ICT (process monitoring/big data/data management), supply chain (packaging/storage/shipping/local production). To reach our goal, we envisage to create a roadmap for the next generation challenges, through activities such as mapping of skills and strengths amongst concerned stakeholders, identifying the gaps and needs to push forward the development of this sector and foster cross-regional collaborations through matchmaking activities that would lead to the identification of shared projects and mutual services to implement.