Automotive clusters for industrial modernisation
The European Automotive Industry is facing mayor challenges in the next future such as electro-mobility, shared mobility or autonomous vehicules. Several of these trends will lead to reduced vehicle sales, and competition will become stronger. The European Automotive Industry must prepare the future from now on, and industrial modernisation in the fields of product, process, production and people are necessary to boost competitiveness and to excelle on the future markets.
The (listed) partners of the European Automotive Cluster Network (EACN) aim at working on the above mentionned fields by bringing their members together to imagine and realise common projects, products and solutions imporving competiteveness and preparing to the future.
In this first phase of the EACN, the partners want to associate an Italian Automotive related cluster wishing to contribute to the network. Automotive OEMs and suppliers are the main target of the network and must be represented by the cluster. In a second phase, the association of new partners will be studied.
More detailed information can be obtained by contacting us (Thomas RÖHR, Pole Vehicule du Futur).