Digital innovation
POLREC Open Call for Innovation in Recycling Polymer Wastes
The goal of POLREC (Supporting a green and resilient Europe through POLymer RECycling) Euroclusters Innovation Open call is to financially support SMEs from plastics, rubbers and composites industries in recycling their polymer waste through 3 sub-topics : Mechanical Recycling, Mechanical Recycling...
SUSTAIN Eurocluster Open Calls
The SUSTAIN Open Call is addressed only to legally established and registered SMEs (including start-ups), according to the criteria set by the EU as defined in the EU Recommendation 2003/361) and declare their SME status in accordance with the SME definition of the European Union. The SUSTAIN Open...
DIMOFAC project has launched an Expression of Interest (EOI) call oriented to European Manufacturing SMEs interested in mass customisation
The DIMOFAC project has launched an Expression of Interest (EOI) call oriented to European Manufacturing SMEs interested in mass customisation through the creation and industrial uptake of highly flexible and modular production lines. For this, a series of supporting services related to feasibility...